Sunday 8/6/2014 at 08:30

3rd Civil Pilgrimage Recalling the little masters and their places on the plateau, with Carlo Presotto and Paola Rosssi the June 8, 2014 to gallium, Asiago plateau
Sunday 8 June 2014 at 8.30 hours departure from Rifugio Campomulo, gallium, Asiago plateau will be held the 3rd Civil Pilgrimage organised by ISTREVI remembering the little masters and their places onthe plateau.
The places where grew the story of little masters have always been visited by individual or collective visits. Because many go up there on that charming part ofAltopiano di Asiago? Essentially to honor the memory of some young people who died fighting for freedom in the summer of 1944. Yes, of course, but not only.
The time has come to admit without hesitation that there is something special that draws us on places of little masters and beyond passion for pages by Meneghello: this something is the beauty of this story of young Italians who decided to carry out an act of rebellion and went to fight in the mountains. Is the extreme naturalness and simplicity of that adventure, the antiretorica that dominates the story of the protagonists; is the centrality that the word freedom is in this affair, "from" freedom and liberty "of"; is the moral health of a figure like that of Antonio Giuriolo.
3rd Civil Pilgrimage program Recalling the little masters
8.30 a.m.
Meeting at Campomulo
10.00 hours
Malga Fossetta
• Greeting of Carla Poncina | ISTREVI
• Renato Camurri | University of Verona
• A "Hero without gestures"? Antonio Giuriolo seventy years later.
• Carlo Presotto and Paola Rosssi perform works on little masters music by Beppe Cross
Hours 11.00
Civil Pilgrimage Starting
Hours 12.00
Breakfast at Anvil Holder
13.00 hours
Top Anvil: Giorgio Spiller evokes the partisans and the little masters of the plateau, music by Rick Cross
13.30 hours
Optional: for the more experienced, with the guidance of Tarcisio Bellò, Roberto Pellizzaro and Giorgio Spiller and visit to leapfrog gravestones on the reversals of the top Anvil
Hours 16.00
Return to Malga Fossetta
In case of bad weather the excursion is moved to Sunday, June 15
Will be asked for a contribution of € 5,00 for organization expenses
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