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Aperitivo in musica with the Dea, Saturday December 15, 2012, gallium

Saturday 15/12/2012 at 17:00

Concerto delle Dea a GallioAperitivo in musica with the Dea, Saturday December 15, 2012, gallium

Saturday, December 15, 2012, at la Piazzetta dei Giardini di Gallio, held the initiative " 'Appetizer in music".

Group " will performGoddess", complex consisting of three young plateau's towns: Diletta Elena and Alexandra (voices).

The group, always appreciated by the audience, presents numerous hits of 80-90 years.

Will be executed, so superlative, commercial songs of the last 30 years.

The concert will begin at 17:00.

Please note that in Piazzetta dei Giardini to Gallium there are Christmas markets during this period.

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