Dal 27/12/2013 al 5/1/2014
Photo exhibition on the Asiago plateau NATURAL LIFE with photos of Lunardi and Munari, from December 27 to January 5
From Friday, December 27 to Sunday, January 5 at the green room of the municipality of Gallio (before Christmas), by 16.00 hours to 19.00 photographic exhibition will be held on Natural Life, moments of the plateau of 7 Municipalities.
Lovers of photography and adventure companions, Diego Lunardi and Matthew Munari, we propose a synthesis of their best works collected in the most evocative nature of the'Plateau of 7 Municipalities.
Natural Life is not meant to be a simple view, but a trip to discover the hidden corners of the plateau, where each image is in itself a story of hard work, dedication and great passion for photography.
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