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"Cimbri InCanti" with Pierangelo Tamiozzo - Mezzaselva, Saturday 10 August 2024

A musical journey through Cimbrian traditions and legends

Saturday 10/8/2024 at 20:45
Cimbri Incanti con Pierangelo Tamiozzo a Mezzaselva di Roana

On Saturday 10 August 2024, at the Sala di Schettinaggio in Mezzaselva di Roana, from 20:45 to 22:00, the first of two unmissable appointments with "Cimbri InCanti" will take place.
Pierangelo Tamiozzo, singer-songwriter and passionate lover of the Venetian-Cimbrian language, will accompany us on a musical journey through songs, stories and legends

Tamiozzo, with his deep knowledge of local culture and his musical talent, will give us an evening full of emotions, in which the melodies and stories of the Cimbrian tradition will come to life. A unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the historical roots of the Plateau of the Seven Municipalities, rediscovering ancient songs and legends handed down from generation to generation.

The event will be a moment of great cultural value, open to all and free of charge. An opportunity to meet and share the beauty of tradition, rediscovering the importance of keeping our linguistic and cultural roots alive.


Those who do not have the opportunity to be present on August 10, will have a new opportunity to participate in this engaging cultural event on Saturday August 17, again at the Sala Schettinaggio in Mezzaselva di Roana.


Discover also the other summer events in Mezzaselva!

For more information  you can contact the Pro Loco of Mezzaselva by clicking the green button below:

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