Thursday 21/8/2014 at 21:00

Concert with the choir Guido D'arezzo in Liège from Belgium, Roana, Asiago plateau, August 21, 2014
Thursday, 21 August 2014 to 21.00 hours at the parish church of Roana, Asiago plateau, will take place the concert with the Choir Guido d'arezzo in Liège from Belgium.
The coro "Guido d'arezzo" of Liège (Belgium), composed of forty elements between Sopranos, Altos, tenors and basses next year will celebrate its first 40 years of existence. The repertoire is vast and befits all cultural and religious events.
Known and appreciated also for his interpretations of works of the most famous operas of Giuseppe Verdi (composer of preference), Puccini, Mascagni, Mozart, Schoubert, Gounod, Handel, Gretchaninoff, etc ... as well as folkloric songs in certain regions of Italy.
It is currently directed and accompanied by two geniuses of music:
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