Dal 13/12/2014 al 15/3/2015

From December 13, 2014 to March 15, 2015, exhibition "MEN and destinies: The Russia in World War I", at the Museum of Prisons Asiago
One hundred years after the beginning of World War I, to Asiago opens the exhibition "Men and destinies. The Russia in World War I' with original artifacts and reproductions of works from the State Central Museum of contemporary history of Russia in Moscow and important private collections.
The exhibition will be held at the Museo Le Carceri di Asiago, in via Cairoli, 13, from December 13, 2015 at March 15, 2015.
Business Hours:
Saturday, Sunday and holidays 10.00-12.30/15.30-18.00
From 24 December to 6 January and from 13 to 22 February every day
Closed on 25 December and 1 January
Entire euro 4.00
Reduced 2.00 euros (students, over 65, residents in the municipalities of Altopiano di Asiago, cineforum card holders "images of Russia")
Free: up to 6 years of age
Tourist information Office:
Prison Museum:
The exhibition consists of paintings, drawings, posters, photographs and postcards. The works on display are divided into four thematic sections: «Scenes and portraits», «life to front», «Images of solidarity' and 'the look of satire. "
The first part of the exhibition is dedicated to senior officers who played a decisive role in the events of war, but even to privates, whose fates are inextricably linked to those of their country. Exposes the portraits of the Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Russian army in 1914-1915, N.N.Romanov,
Lt. Gen. Ja g. Žilinskij, Lt. Gen. V.M.Dragomirov; portraits made from life of the Commander-in-Chief of the southwestern front Aleksei Brusilov, Lavr Kornilov, Commander General Vladimir Suchomlinov; photographs of the first Knight of the order of St. George of the great war,
the Don Cossack Koz ' but Krjuc ˇ kov, and founder of military aerobatics pilot captain Petr Nesterov.
The second section, entitled ' life at the front, "focuses on the social and psychological aspects of the war: the daily life of the people at the front, in captivity and in the backline. Among the exhibits there are military insignia, the flag of the regiment of Chasseurs guards, uniforms and equipment
of soldiers and military officers of the Russian Imperial Army during World War I, from the collection of a member of the Russian military-historical society, D.A. Bušmakov. In view you can also admire paintings and drawings of M.B.Grekov and V.G.Ljubimov, watercolors by N.N.Pomanskij and a. Martynov, in which the authors have set the record of the events of the war years. Real rarities are historical portraits of former combatants paintings
by G.S.Verejskij, E.E.Lanceray and L.R.Sologub, portraits from the collection by Sergei Podstanickij.
Another section of the exhibition deals with the theme of solidarity, which is shown through the heroic destinies of military nurses. Among the artifacts displayed posters with the appeal to donate for the victims of the war; the photographs of refugees and wounded military hospitals and infirmaries; postcards and posters on the work of the Russian Red Cross; photographs of the "Sisters of mercy" and active military hospitals Grand duchesses; materials on work done by charitable organizations; Finally engraved by A.V. Kravc ˇ enko from the series ' The Imperial War. "
During the great war news was also theart of satirical drawings, tied to the emotional perception of the events. The world «culture of laughter people» in section «satire» the work of l. Lavrent ' ev, by a. Lebedev, n. Sokolov and D.S.Moor's works from the series «The world war in caricatures ". The purpose of the exhibition is to arouse interest in Russian history, preserve and consolidate the memory related to the historical facts, the heroics and the men involved in the first world war.
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