Dal 1/7/2013 al 30/9/2013
Information Centre on the great war: The multimedia interactive Museum throughout the summer at the Palazzo Millepini, Asiago
For all thesummer at the Palazzo del Turismo Millepini of Asiago, Asiago Multimedia Center presents, using modern multimedia technologies, various types of packaged content on the basis of documents and photos, historic and current, supplied by the Comunità Montana.
The room is equipped with two large monitors on which stations you can see videos on the sites of the great war; on the touch screen monitor, vertical and horizontal, an introduction on the conflict in aEuropean perspective.
About monitor touch screen to stems, photographic documentation and searchablearchive; on vertical lcd monitor just after the entrance to the right of the video the main sites affected by conflict at the local level.
The floor of the exhibition hall is a Photo of the plateau taken by satellite. Purpose of Information Centre on the great war is the disclosure of historical knowledge linked to the territory and the war assets recovered.
For information:
Tourist Office-Culture-Education-Sport
Palazzo del Turismo Millepini
Via Millepini, 1
36012 Asiago (VI)-
All rights reserved.