Jack Russel Fest, National Meeting Jack Russell, Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 September 2011 Asiago, Località Prunno
Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 September 2011, a few kilometers from Asiago, in Prunno, a pleasant green clearing in the woods, will take place the third edition of the Jack Russell Fest, a national gathering dedicated to this magnificent breed of small dogs native to England and developed in Australia.
Below are the rules and program of the event:
Participation is free.
Lunch is the responsibility of the guests.
Pedigree is not necessary.
The dog's health card and anti-rabies certificate are mandatory.
Females in heat or about to go there to avoid unnecessary fights are not allowed.
All participating dogs must be vaccinated.
Aggressive dogs must be kept on a leash or muzzled, as the organization assumes no responsibility for any damage caused by the dog to people or objects. Each owner is responsible for his own dog.
It is important to collect the needs of your dog and throw them in the appropriate baskets.

Program: Saturday, September 3, 2011
From 14.00
Registration of four-legged guests and hosts who as a welcome will receive a soft gift kindly offered by "Petra Toys"
3.00 pm "Walking Dog" walk in the woods
4.00 pm "Guanta la salsiccia" the jack jump to grab the prey
4.30 pm "Agility Dog" a mini obstacle course
17.00 "See you" we say goodbye and we go to prepare to party!
7.30 pm "E' qui la festa" under the stars, with a musical group, which will play all evening, if the weather allows it all outdoors, otherwise under the circus tent! You are all invited to dance, sing, play, be with us with your Jack! For dinner you can choose whether to eat the "Hot Dogs" cooked by the amazing staff of the Prunno or dine with local delicacies!
Program: Sunday, September 4, 2011
from 09.45 a.m.
Registration of four-legged guests and hosts who as a welcome will receive a soft gift kindly offered by "Petra Toys"Delivery of the kit to participate in the "Indiana June"
Sale of lottery tickets € 3.00 per ticket (The proceeds will help the UDOG association that trains dogs for people with disabilities and Igor Facco the founder will attend throughout the day).
Bring a freehand drawing of your Jack signed with name and surname, we will hang them all, the most beautiful will receive a special prize offered by "Plus Plush"
There will be the "Jack in Love" bulletin board where you can hang the photo of your Jrt looking for love.
Special Guest: Riccardo Vignali Italian agility champion and winner of important national discdog competitions with his Igor.
10.30 am: "Indiana June"
Treasure hunt
11.15 am: "Furminator"
Lia Grooming will make a demonstration of how it works
11.30 a.m.
Free agility path that does not include awards
12.00 pm
Group photo and Igor Facco president of U-Dog will give you a demonstration of Obedience
12.30 pm "The snack in the woods"
Lunch break at the "Prunno" you can choose whether to have lunch with delicious delicacies or simply with a sandwich.
2.00 pm: "Forrest June"
Coursing competition.
3.00 pm Special Guest: "Disc Dog" by Riccardo Vignali with his Igor. Riccardo will remain available to talk to all June fans
3.45 pm: "The Winner is..."
Award ceremony for:
the jrt that comes from further away
the youngest jrt
the oldest jrt
the jrt with the youngest owner
the jrt who celebrates his birthday
Treasure hunt
"Special prize to the largest group"
"Special award to the family with more Jack"
4.00 pm: "Lotto June"
Lottery ticket draw
4.45 pm: "Bye bye June" a greeting before leaving!
"Natural Trainer" with food and gadgets for dogs
"Le Fantasie di Dafne" collars for dogs
"June Factory" clothing for humans
"I sogni di Manu"" creations in boiled wool
"U Dog" dog training for the disabled
"Blakenest" Crazy for Jack objects
"Beauty Dog" demonstration of the Furminator brush
"Chez Lulù" all for the pet
"Enpa" solidarity banquet
"Friends for Africa" creations with heart and heart
Sponsored by:
"Trainer" food for dogs and cats
"June Factory" human clothing
"Petra Toys" plush
"Plus Plush" elegant plush
"Franco Bizzaro" kennels for dogs
"Blakenest Crazy for Jack" objects
"Il Molino" pet shop
"Stagionatura Asiago" typical cheeses
"Salumificio Asiago" typical cured meats
"Fantin Asiago" drinks
"Friedrich Graham" clothing
Kennels, dog food, soft toys, human clothing, dog accessories, dog toys, cold cuts, cheeses, dog items and many other amazing gifts!
For more information: