Sunday 5/10/2014 at 09:30

Open-air MUSEUMS, media Men and landscapes of the great war in the plateau of 7 municipalities, Roana the October 5, 2014
Sunday 5 October 2014 at 9.30 hours departing from the parking lot of the Church of Treschè Conca, Asiago plateau, last date of open air Museums, dedicated to men, means and landscapes of the great war in the plateau of 7 Municipalities and organised by the AltoVicentino Museums.
Men, PROGRAM resources and landscapes of the great war in the plateau of 7 Municipalities
• 9.30 A.m. meeting point at the car park at the Church of Treschè Hollow and departure to the Military historical Museum Fort Corbin, along the military road with an easy walk of 1 hour: with the help of a tour leader will abide by the historic sites and the marks left by the conflict on the territory
• 10.45 Hours guided tour inside the Forte Corbin, now carefully restored and transformed into a Museum
• 12.30-14.30 Hours option to lunch or refreshment at the adjacent agreement (€ 10.00 first or second choice of drink, water, wine or soft drink)
• Hours 14.30 departure for return to Treschè Basin
• H 16.00 Visit of Ruin Collection, the result of an investigation lasting over a period on the main battlefields. During the visit the collector will entertain kids and adults with information about thesoldiers ' equipment and their lives during the war, the rapid technological development of arms, but also the human drama experienced by many soldiers sacrificed
• 17.00 Hrs With a quick shift of 3 km by car you go to Cesuna, to visit the to be reopened specifically for this occasion.
Participation fee € 5.00
In case of rain, the output will be suspended, in case of uncertain time will be held equally with any possible change
Booking is essential
Centro Servizi Altovicentino Museums Largo Man 1-Malo

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