Saturday 23/8/2014 at 19:00

Show-COMPATIBLES of Des-Equilibrats cuCu Camporovere Festival, Asiago plateau, August 23, 2014
Saturday 23 August 2014 to 19.00 hours at the Skettinaggio field to Camporovere of Roana, Asiago plateau, will be held on the street show In-Compatibles presented by Des-Equilibrats, in the exhibition cuCu Roan 2014 Festival.
At-compatibles brings us to attend an ordinary day of coexistence of two completely different people. These two characters so different you are deeply in love but do not want to accept their condition because of rejection that place in respect of differences.
They both want and would declare their love, but when you encounter something not working.
The circus troupe Des-equilibrats was born in 2012 to Majorca, where the previous year randomly collide two seemingly incompatible characters. From this fundamental incompatibility, which strangely proves to be as much compatible, join two circus artists with the aim to disseminate and promote circus arts for cultural and social development.
Des-equilibrats is composed by Antonio Rosselló and Coloma Roig, two excited of the performing arts in search of an interdisciplinary language that can join the circus, with the Theatre, dance and clownery.
The Arts company's casts are juggling and aerial disciplines, however the artists know the verticalism and the discipline of the hand.
The name Des-equilibrats stems from the extreme nature of the members of the society, from their individual radicalism led them to live in a disquilibrio existential condition ceased when the one he met each other, their extreme.
You can meet its balanced members (if they are together) or completely unbalanced, as you prefer.
From Thursday 21 to Sunday August 24, 2014 in the hamlets of Roana, Asiago plateau, cuCu Festival will be held: various mobile entertainment with jugglers, puppeteers, magicians, acrobats, fire comedy and much more.
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