As for many years now, become local, Asiago tradition this year will host the international competition of wood carvings.
ASIAGO, 20-27 AUGUST 2011
1) The Municipality of Asiago organizes the 29° Concorso Internazionale di outdoor wood carvings, which will
place in the pedestrian zone and in town squares by 20 to August 27, 2011.
2) the sculptures should be carried out using:
a. a pine trunk or pine weimurth the height of 130 cm and a diameter of 40-50 cm provided
by the Organization and which must be exploited to the maximum;
b. a panel of weimurth pine or pine. about 120x80x10. It is recommended in this case to
wear proper door-panel that cannot be requested from the organization.
NB. There are no trunks and 8 panels 12 whereby the choice of the artist does not bind
the Administration that, in the case of requests exceeds the number of trunks or panels available,
you will feel free to give out.
3) tools for processing must be owned by the artist.
4) each station can be equipped with a self-locking "CEI 16 amp 2 poles + Earth;
5) The place and the material to sculpt will be allocated by drawing lots.
6) expenses for accommodation and meals are borne by the Organisation from 18 of the 20 August at 18 hours of
August 27, 2011.
7) the works will be owned by the artists, with the exception of the one chosen by the jury which will constitute
the Heritage Town of Asiago.
8) it will be a winner artist prize of € 1,937 .00 gross.
9) jury award named after Joe From Ave, will be delivered to the artist as voted by
citizens and tourists by means of tabs – rated to be delivered to the Office of tourism of the municipality of
Asiago 11.00 a.m. of 8/27/2011.
10) the award consists of a silver plaque with the image of the municipality of Asiago which will be delivered
during the awards ceremony.
11) For the success of the event each station must remain active throughout the period
established for the purpose of engaging in the best possible way the citizenship.
12) during the week there will be a public meeting dedicated to the presentation of participants
Symposium. Each artist must therefore bring its timeline (photos,
slides, etc.).
13) The registration is free and will be formalised by filling in the appropriate card, together with
from personal curriculum and 2 photos of his most important works. The question involves the automatic
acceptance of the rules contained in this regulation, to be sent to:
Tel 0424/464,081-64349-FAX
within and no later than 15 MAY 2011.
14) thejury will select the sculptors to participants according to the curriculum and to the works, the municipality
will promptly inform the sculptors.
15) The Municipality of Asiago assumes no liability for damages that might be caused to the
people and things while working.
The works in order to be admitted to the final exposure and to participate in the contest,
must necessarily be completed and finished in every detail within 12.00 a.m. of Friday 27
August 2011.