Dal 18/7/2015 al 28/2/2016

Exhibition at the Museum "Le Carceri di Asiago" veneto front-world war one hundred years one hundred pictures from the February 28, 2016 July 18, 2015 "
On the occasion of the celebrations for the centenary of the first world war, the municipality of Asiago offers citizens a photo exhibition that chronicles, with intensity and emotion, the lives of Italian soldiers on the front of the mountain.
The exhibition, titled "veneto front of the great war-a hundred years one hundred images", will be inaugurated on Saturday, July 18, 2015 from 18.00 to Prisons Museum of Asiago and will be on display until February 28.
It is a hundred images displayed according to a precise path that goes from theAsiago plateau to the Pasubio, the Dolomites at Piave to Monte Grappa. The shots in black and white lead visitors inside the daily life of the military.
During the duration of the exhibition, will be also organized workshops for children, guided tours and lectures.
Open on Saturdays and Sundays at the following times: 10.00-12.30 15.30-18.30
Open every day from 5 to 8 December, from December 24, 2015 to January 6, 2016
and from 6 February 14, 2016 at the following times: 10.00-12.30 15.30-18.30.
Closed 12/25/2015 and 1/1/2016.
The great war, which we remember this year the centenary, lived in our plateau one of its bloodiest fronts and decisive.
"The great war, which we remember this year the centenary, lived in the Northeast one of its bloodiest fronts and decisive. From Asiago to Vittorio Veneto, from the Piave to Dobbiaco over one million soldiers on both sides have lost their lives here. Italian and Austrian, British, French and Germans and Hungarians have left blood and hope. Divided by history, but United in grief. This view and this catalogue does not therefore want to celebrate a victory, but remember a painful period of our human history, showing that behind the guns and in the trenches there were men. And for them and with them we remember that the gift of peace and harmony is the only legacy that every era and every people can share. Yesterday and today "
Clodovaldo Ruffato
President of the Regional Council of Veneto
"Of course the photography, like any other type of historical reconstruction, tends to offer a comprehensive view of the time to which it refers and assumes its full meaning of historical document primarily through the mediation of the tale. But the energy, the strength, effectiveness, together with the emotion and the suggestion of the photographs that we chose to expose, far outweigh any potential of other documentary sources and give us some episodes of the war by committing ourselves to a vision that needs no other rational proofs ".
Mauro Passarin
Paolo Pozzato
Curators of the exhibition
ENTRANCE TICKET: € 3.00- Free admission for children up to 6 years old and disabled.
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