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Events in Asiago Plateau - Wednesday 18 September 2013

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Total Events: 6

Hiking with guides Asiago Plateau September 2013

Dal 1/9/2013 al 30/9/2013
Guided excursions
Hiking with guides Asiago Plateau September 2013
Hiking with guides Asiago Plateau September 2013
The Highland GuidesAssociation, for the month of September 2013 offers excursions on the Asiago plateau. The tours will take you into the magical lands of the Asiago plateau, made even more beautiful…
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Spritz Art in Asiago from 16 June: learn to know our local artists

Dal 16/6/2013 al 29/9/2013
Spritz Art in Asiago from 16 June: learn to know our local artists
Spritz Art in Asiago from 16 June: learn to know our local artists, from poetry to photography
Starting from Sunday, June 16 and later every Sunday until September 29, at the Sporting Residence Hotel will hold SPRITZ ARTevent which includes meetings with local artists, exhibitions and even a .…
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Basic courses of Orient Walking 2013, Asiago plateau

Dal 1/6/2013 al 30/9/2013
Basic courses of Orient Walking 2013, Asiago plateau
Basic courses of Orient-Walking 2013, Asiago plateau
The Association ' Asiago 7 Comuni Ski Orienteering Klub, organizes courses of level 1 of Orient Walking to Asiago to the 2013 season. TheOrient-Walking is anexcursion, a "round" in the Woods, a walk …
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Great War Information Center: interactive multimedia Museum in Asiago

Dal 1/7/2013 al 30/9/2013
Great War Information Center: interactive multimedia Museum in Asiago
Information Centre on the great war: The multimedia interactive Museum throughout the summer at the Palazzo Millepini, Asiago
For all the summer at the Palazzo del Turismo Millepini of Asiago, Asiago Multimedia Center presents, using modern multimedia technologies, various types of packaged co ...
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The battle of Mount Ortigara - View of the historical archive Dal Molin, Cesuna

Dal 13/4/2013 al 31/10/2013
The battle of Mount Ortigara - View of the historical archive Dal Molin, Cesuna
The battle of Mount Ortigara ' between past and present-View of the historical archives, Cesuna Dal Molin-Altopiano di Asiago
The exhibition ofhistorical archives Dal Molin, hosted from 13 April to end of October 2013 to Cesuna (VI), is actually an interesting documentary study on the histo ...
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Mostra SUL FILO DI LANA i Pastori, le Pecore, la Gente di Foza

Dal 21/8/2013 al 2/3/2014
Mostra SUL FILO DI LANA i Pastori, le Pecore, la Gente di Foza
Mostra “SUL FILO DI LANA i Pastori, le Pecore, la Gente di Foza”, per tutto agosto a Foza
Per tutto il periodo invernale il Museo Civico di Foza ospiterà la mostra "Sul filo di lana - i pastori, le pecore, la gente di Foza". La mostra Sul filo di ...
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Total Events: 6