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Events in Asiago Plateau - March 2014

Category Hockey Asiago

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Total Events: 2

ASIAGO Hockey game-MILANO Asiago Stadium March 4, 2014

Tuesday 4/3/2014 at 20:30
ASIAGO Hockey game-MILANO Asiago Stadium March 4, 2014
ASIAGO Hockey game-MILAN Tuesday March 4, 2014 at Hodegart Pala di Asiago
Tuesday, 4 March 2014 at the Asiago Ice Palace will be the 42nd and final day of the season of 2013/14 Italian Championship Ice Hockey team of Elite Series a. At 20.30 hours, Supermarkets Migross Asi…
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Ice Hockey ASIAGO-RENON, 2nd semi final of the Playoffs, Saturday March 29, 2014

Saturday 29/3/2014 at 20:30
Ice Hockey ASIAGO-RENON, 2nd semi final of the Playoffs, Saturday March 29, 2014
Ice Hockey ASIAGO-RENON, 2nd semi-final of the Playoffs, Saturday March 29, 2014 at Hodegart Pala di Asiago
Saturday, March 29, 2014 at the Asiago Ice Palace will be the 2nd race of the semifinals of the Playoffs of the season 2013/14 of the Italian Championship of Ice Hockey to Elite Series ...
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Total Events: 2
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