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Canceled Carnival events and closed schools in the Municipality of Lusiana Conco

Published 24 Feb 2020 - 10.27

Coronavirus Annullate manifestazioni a  Lusiana Conco

OFFICIAL COMMUNICATION 23/2/2020 Municipality of Lusiana Conco

It was decided by the Mayors of Ulss 7 to adopt a prudential conduct, suspending until Tuesday afternoon, a moment of new confrontation between Mayors, all public demonstrations.

Therefore the events related to the Carnival in the Municipality of Lusiana Conco are canceled.

OFFICIAL COMMUNICATION 24/2/2020 Municipality of Lusiana Conco

Ordinance number 1 of 23.02.2020 of the Ministry of Health in agreement with the President of the Veneto Region on urgent measures regarding the containment and management of the coronavirus health emergency

Specifically, with regard to the Municipality of Lusiana Conco - in execution of the ordinance that suspends all events and initiatives of any nature and events in public or private places, both closed and open to the public, of a cultural, recreational, sporting and religious nature - we inform you that until Sunday 01.03.2020:

- all schools of all levels are closed, including the nursery
- the sports activities of the two municipal gyms of Lusiana and Conco are suspended, at the sports fields and the Bike Resort
- the activities of the two Elderly Centers of Fontanelle and Lusiana are suspended
- all museum activities are suspended

We ask for maximum cooperation from the citizens. The Municipal Administration remains available for any type of need.
The Mayor Antonella Corradin

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