Welcome Plateau of Asiago 7 Comuni

7 towns to discover

Asiago Enego Foza Gallio
Lusiana Conco Roana Rotzo

If you like the Asiago Plateau click

l'Altopiano di Asiago 7 Comuni


Where to sleep

Where to sleepWhere to sleep on the Asiago plateau

The Best Hotels Residence B & Bs Shelters Farmhouses Houses And Apartments

Where to eat

Where to eatWhere to eat Altopiano di Asiago


EventsEvents in the Plateau of Asiago

Upcoming events

HighlightsCesti natale 2024 p1

Houses and apartments for rent and sale

Houses and ApartmentsAsiago Plateau apartments housesAsiago Plateau apartments houses

Ski Schools Ski Slopes And Snow Report

Ski And SnowSki slopes Asiago plateau

Ski Schools Cross Country Slopes And Downhill Snow Situation

the Plateau of Asiago 7 Comuni

The 7 MunicipalitiesAsiago e l'Altopiano dei Sette ComuniAsiago e l'Altopiano dei Sette Comuni

Live Webcams on Highlands

Live webcamLive Webcams on Highlands Altopiano di Asiago

The Webcam of the Plateau of Asiago 7 Comuni

Watch the Plateau in live streaming thanks to the real-time webcams! Active in all seasons on the main municipalities and points of interest. Contact us if you want to activate a live webcam too.

Webcam Asiago


Hotel and residence HOTELS, HOTELS, RESIDENCES, AND…

Bed and Breakfast and Apartments

Bed & Breakfast bedAndBreakfastAltopianoDiAsiago

Wellness Spa And Physiotherapy Centers

SpasWellness Centers Spa Asiago

Typical products of the Plateau

Typical productsTypical products of the Plateau di AsiagoTypical products of the Plateau di Asiago

Hiking trails and walks

ExcursionsHiking trails and walks Altopiano di Asiago


SportSport Asiago

The Great War

Great WarThe Great War Altopiano di Asiago

The itineraries, events, offers on the centenary of the great war in Altopiano di Asiago

Weather forecast Altopiano di Asiago

Weather AltopianoWeather forecast Altopiano di Asiago

The weather forecasts of the 7 municipalities

In this section you can find the weather forecast for each of the 7 municipalities of the plateau.An overview that allows you to stay up to date and plan your excursion or holiday in the mountains.You can also compare forecasts from different portals. To see with your own eyes what the weather is like, look at them too live webcam on the Asiago plateau

How to get on the Asiago plateau

How To Get ThereHow to get on the Asiago plateau

Photo of the Asiago Plateau

Photo galleryPictures Asiago plateau

Photo of the Asiago Plateau

Send us your best shots of the Asiago Plateau.
The most beautiful will be published with your name in the photo section of the Plateau! Contact us to learn how you can send us your photos!

of the Plateau

MalgheMalghe of the Plateau di Asiago

Authors, Books & Newspapers

Authors, Books & NewspapersAuthors, Books & Newspapers Altopiano di Asiago

Authors, Books & Newspapers Plateau of Asiago 7 Comuni