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Fire on Portule. Ordinance on banning lighting of fires in Asiago.

Published 28 Dec 2015 - 18.34
Environment and Nature
Img 0524 Bruno Marini Incendio

Fire in Val Renzola, the municipality of Asiago approves an Ordinance on banning lighting of fires of any kind throughout the city

ASIAGO PLATEAU. After the fire broke out this morning in Val Renzola, at 2000 meters, the massif of monte Portule, flames several metres high, are spread over an area of about more than twenty acres. Firefighters, patrols of the State Forestry Corps and fighting volunteers of the plateau and from Trentino are working to try to tame the fire, but water shortage at this time is making it complicated the fire fighting operations and containment.

The municipal administration of Asiago, plus regulatory instruments, approved anOrdinance immediately enforceable by providing for severe penalties for anyone who lights fires in wooded areas and pastures, in order to avoid situations of serious threat to public safety and the integrity of the delicate environmental balance of the whole territory. Anyone who violates the order will be immediately sanctioned and reported to the public prosecutor of Vicenza for the crime of arson.

Bruno Marini of 12/28/2015



SEE article 50 of Decree No 267 of 8/18/2000;

CONSIDERING that, for the State of continued scarcity of rain and very high maximum temperatures over the seasonal average and the total absence of snow on fire risk is very high throughout the city.
CONSIDERING also that the possibility of such facts would cause serious harm to public safety, traffic and private and public property;
SEEN the need to enact measures which apply to prevent and avoid the risks of fire and protect, at the same time, the private and public safety;
Invoke the rules of procedure by city police;
SEEN on R.D. # 3267 of 12/30/1923;
Having regard to the Consolidated Act LL. 6/18/1931 # 773 of P.S. and subsequent modifications and integrations;
Having regard to Act No. 225 of 2/24/1992;
VIEW the Legislative Decree 112 of 3/31/1998;
Having regard to law No. 353 of 11/21/2000;
CONSIDERED that the period of danger for wildfires can persist until the intervention of rain and/or snow;


The status of a serious fire hazard for all wooded areas and grazing land around the municipality.
Anyone spotted a fire that affects or threatens wooded areas and pastureland, including any of the aforementioned facilities and infrastructure inside populated areas, it is obliged to immediately notify local authorities reporting all relevant territorial element for the correct location of the event;
In addition to the rules contained in Royal Decree No. 3267 of 12/30/1923, its Rules and regulations and forest police, as well as art. 3 of law no 353/2000, during the period of severe fire hazard, in all areas of the Township in forest fire risk (article 2 of law 353/2000) and/or immediately adjacent to them, the


  1. To LIGHT FIRES in the Woods, fields, parks and near public buildings.
  2. To PERFORM all the operations provided for by art. 11 regulation police Urbana (it's forbidden to burn the dry grass of the lawns and other plant debris, around the area of jurisdiction except in special cases and with the approval of the Mayor, in any case, the above must be done in accordance with the 24-25-26-27 article of prescriptions and Forest of the Veneto region. Infringements are punished under/' art. 3 of Act 9. 10.1967 no 950 and subsequent modifications and integrations (Law 47/1975 and Law 424/1984) and if one has followed the guilty forest damage is obliged to pay damages.

    If you see the extremes of the art. 423 and following of the Penal Code, is forwarded directly to the judicial authority. Whoever causes a fire shall be punished with imprisonment from three to seven years. The previous arrangement also applies in the event of a fire of the own thing, if it causes danger to public safety.
  3. FIRE even after more than 100 meters from the Woods forbidden anyone to light fires in the Woods at a distance of less than a hundred metres from them, save exceptions contained in prescriptions and forest police force in the province of Vicenza under RD. December 3, 1923, # 3267).

The transmission of this order to all law enforcement, at the head of the State Forestry Corps, under the command of provincial police, under the command of VV. FF. territorial jurisdiction, under the command of local police in the municipality of Asiago that is given the charge of vigilarne compliance by applying to any violator of the law and/or regulation.

Under article 3, paragraph 4 of law no 241. of 8/7/1990, against this Ordinance, anyone who is interested may resort within sixty days from the date of publication or notification, the T.A.R. Veneto or extraordinary appeal can be proposed to the President of the Republic in accordance with art. 8 of P.r.decree November 24, 1971, # 1199 within 120 days from the date of publication and/or notification of the measure.
Under article 4 of law no 241/90 ... the head of the proceedings is Mr. Andrea Pinaroli Vice Commander of the local police of Asiago.

The head of the proceedings

Andrea Pinaroli



Click on the image below to download the Ordinance

Ordinanza fuochi 1Ordinanza fuochi 2
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