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Letter to schools of Asiago Mayor Roberto Rigoni Stern

Published 15 Sep 2020 - 09.54
Teen and Children

Lettera alle scuole inizio anno scolastico AsiagoAsiago, 14 September 2020

On this important and meaningful day it would be nice for every student, after so much time at home, to reflect on what this experience has given him and taken away from him. How much each of us should feel responsible for the common good and how much we can protect others by protecting ourselves.

In recent months we have been working to ensure that schools can meet the standards needed to safely start again. Now, it is up to you to help us to better deal with this difficult school year to smile together again, rediscovering the true value of education and teaching.

Thanks to all the school staff for the great organizational effort made in recent months, to the teachers, families and to you, boys and girls, who more than every year will have to bear the burden of the sacrifice that this new path will determine. Good luck!

Gianni Rodari's white sheet
I opened the new notebook on the counter.
The first sheet is so white,
it almost shines, so clean...
and I'm afraid to put my finger on it.
I dip the pen,
I hold my breath
and curved on the immaculate sheet
I write the first word carefully
of this first day of school.
Tomorrow, maybe later, who knows,
on the white sheet a stain will fall...
but I will not lose my courage for this;
a rubber shot and on, traveling

The Mayor
Roberto Rigoni Stern

All rights reserved.

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