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Scholarship for university student residing in Asiago who is studying abroad

Published 26 Apr 2019 - 12.20
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Scholarship for University student

The Municipality of Asiago announces a scholarship for 1 deserving student residing in Asiago and is studying abroad.

The value of the scholarship is €3,500.00 and aims to increase the opportunities of mobiliotà towards the foreign countries for training and professional purposes, as well as to promote the employability of young university students Asiaghesi who decide to Undertake a study experience abroad.

Essential requirements for access to this opportunity are:
1. Age up to 25 years (not completed)
2. Qualification of secondary School diploma
3. Residence in Asiago at the date of submission of the application
4. Have a valid ISEE not exceeding €20,000.00
5. Obtaining unconditional admission to the foreign University at the date of submission of the application (to be annexed)
6. Not having benefited from community contributions to carry out study experiences abroad in the European context
7. Attestation of Merit (by proving documentation) in arts and/or sports
The request form can be withdrawn at the public Education Office of the Municipality of Asiago at the Palazzo del Turismo Millepini or on the site of the municipality of Asiago.
Deadline presentation of the application 09 may 2019, at 12.00 at the protocol office of the Municipality of Asiago.
For further information please contact the Public education Office of the Municipality of Asiago at the following number: 0424-460003 Monday to Friday from 11.00 to 12.30 and Thursday from 15.00 to 17.00.
Asiago, 26 April 2019

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