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The 2020 edition of the Mario Rigoni Stern Prize for multilingual literature in the Alps kicks off

Published 10 Feb 2020 - 16.54

PRESS RELEASE 10/2/2020 Press office of the Mario Rigoni Stern Prize

Asiago. The tenth edition of the Mario Rigoni Stern Prize for multilingual literature of the Alps has begun, which this year will take place at the Riva del Garda Fair, on the afternoon of March 28th.
The works entered in the literary competition are 61, the highest number ever; about ten are the volumes in German, Slovenian and Occitan. The works received will be examined by the jurors of the Prize, Ilvo Diamanti, Marco Albino Ferrari, Paola Filippi, Mario Isnenghi and Daniele Jalla. The first classified will go the sum of 5 thousand euros.

During the final, the Guardian of the Ark-Osvaldo Dongilli Award will also be awarded to a person who has distinguished himself in the protection and enhancement of the mountain.

The Rigoni Stern Prize, which takes place alternately in Trentino and Veneto, was born in 2011 to promote the development of cultures that refer to the Alpine arc, and is intended for works of fiction and non-fiction that enhance the landscape, traditions, production activities in the name of eco-compatibility, the socio-cultural context of the different communities that inhabit it, with their historical institutions linked to the community use of goods, hunting as an activity linked to a particular environmental sensitivity, the war in the mountains as a particular and painful scenario of European history, the narrative heritage, with its fairy tales, legends, its myths of yesterday and today, its vocation to be a hinge between north and south, between the Mediterranean area and the Central European area.
Established with the intention of honoring the memory of Mario Rigoni Stern, the Prize aims to perpetuate his values of brotherhood among peoples, respect for the environment, tolerance and solidarity.

This year's edition is in fact the prologue to the celebrations for the centenary of the birth of the highland writer, which will occur in 2021, and for which a full calendar of initiatives is being prepared.

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