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Update on work at the Regina di Asiago Brigade Park known as Millepini Park

Published 27 Apr 2021 - 19.35

Parco Millepini Asiago

Since the end of October 2018,there has been extensive damage to manyplants within the Regina Margherita Brigade city park, mostly spruce trees, uprooted or broken by the wind both on the occasion of Cyclone Vaia, and subsequently on particularly windy days.

TheMunicipal Heritage and Ecology Office of Asiago has evaluated the stability of each plant present in the Park to a study of professionals in 2019, identifying which plants had dangerous characteristics such as to have to be immediately felled for reasons of public safety and which instead could be temporarily preserved.

In addition, the report itself already indicated that it was necessary to provide for a new overall design with the choice andplanting of other tree species,as well as adequate planting costs.

Lavori al Parco Millepini di Asiago

The planting method chosen in historical times for the Regina Brigade Park, in fact, has assumed that the formations take on wooded characteristics, that is, yarn and coerced foliage, therefore very often asymmetrical. In this context, the crashes that occurred during and after Vaia and subsequent culls affected neighboring individuals, who remained isolated or unbalanced, with possible influences also on their static balance. This condition is present in various portions of the park, where the absence of one or more subjects determines new boundary conditions for remaining trees that, in some cases, can no longer benefit from the "group" effect.

As a result, about a year after the last safety operation, many other trees began to dry out and decayrapidly, precisely because of the general weakening of the entire population.

Due to the emergence of this new situation, the Municipal Administration, in agreement with the technicians of the Heritage Office, has identified and prepared the felling of furtherfir trees within the public park, while preserving all the specimens that due to structural characteristics and species do not give rise to particular concerns at the moment.

The trees excluded from the felling will complement the new plants that will be planted for the redevelopment of the Park, whose design is currently underway.

Asiago, 26 April 2021

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