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Webcam Asiago Plateau

Webcam Rifugio Campomulo - Centro Fondo Campomulo on the ski slopes

The real-time webcams of Asiago.it

This webcam is located in Campomulo  in the territory of Gallio, on the Plateau of the Seven Municipalities

Walking around here, you enter a dimension of  tranquility and relaxation: the bright green of the trees and pastures, the crystal clear air, the silence of the mountains are the setting for suggestive paths, which can be explored on foot, by mountain bike or on horseback

In winter, when the white of the snow covers everything, Campomulo is transformed into an enchanted place, an ideal destination for snowshoeing and skiing enthusiasts. In this area, in fact, there are more than 150 km of Nordic ski slopes   and various winter trails, specially groomed and signposted, for those who do not want to give up movement in the open air and in contact with nature even in the winter season. 


Under image updated every 5 minutes, click to enlarge.

Webcam Campomulo Centro Fondo Campomulo

If you would like to install a live webcam on the Plateau, please contact us by clicking here.

Webcam service and rental by Asiago.it

If you also want to install a live webcam on the Plateau, contact Asiago.it by clicking  here .

Camera installation carried out by Digital World Asiago
(authorized installer Asiago.it)

All rights reserved.

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