On Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 July 2024, the 10th Strafexpedition Ultrarail will take place, a mountain race through paths, mule tracks and cart tracks, organized by the 7 Municipalities Sports Association with Asiago Plateau Alpine sections, Alpine Rescue, Asiago and Roana Civil Protection, Carabinieri Association and various local volunteer groups.
The route will touch the places where history has left important testimonies of the First World War.
The route takes place on paths at an altitude between 1000 m and 2300 m. On the same track there will be 3 races:
- EXTREME 43K route, with 2223D+, departure from Passo Vezzena (Tn) at 8.00 a.m. on Saturday 6 July 2024, and arrival in Piazza Duomo in Asiago;
- CLASSIC 25K route, with 1112D+, departure and arrival from Piazza Duomo in Asiago at 9.00 a.m. on Sunday 7 July 2024;
- SHORT 12K route, with 445D+, departure and arrival from Piazza Duomo in Asiago at 9.00 a.m. on Sunday 7 July 2024.
Start: 8:00 a.m. from Passo Vezzena (TN)
Finish line: Asiago, P.zza II Risorgimento (VI)
Length: 43 km
Lowest point: 1001 m
Highest point: 2280 m
Difference in altitude: 2223 D+
Maximum time: 10 h
- km 10: Rifugio Val Formica
- km 21: Bocchetta Portule
- km 30: Croce French
- km 37: Forte Interrotto
Start: 9:00 a.m. from Asiago, Piazza Duomo (VI)
Finish line: Asiago, P.zza Duomo (VI)
Length: 25 km
Lowest point: 1001 m
Highest point: 1769 m
Difference in altitude: 1112 D+
Maximum time: 5 h
Time gate: 12:00 (10 km) – Malga Zingarella
- km 10: Malga Zingarella
- km 20: Forte Interrotto
Start: 9:00 a.m. from Asiago, Piazza Duomo (VI)
Finish line: Asiago, P.zza Duomo (VI)
Length: 12 km
Lowest point: 1001 m
Maximum altitude: 1405 m
Difference in altitude: 445D+
Maximum time: No maximum time
Time Gate: No Time Gate
Thursday, July 4, 2024
- from 16:00 to 19:30 at PURO SPORT in Zanè (VI) bib collection 43K-25K-12K and new registrations
Friday, July 5, 2024
- from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at PURO SPORT in Zanè (VI) bib collection 43K-25K-12K and new registrations
- from 15:00 to 20:00 in SALA REGGENZA Asiago (VI) collection of bibs 43K-25K-12K and new registrations at 19:00
Saturday, July 6, 2024
- from 5:30 a.m. to 6:30 a.m. in P.za Duomo (Asiago) collection of last EXTREME 43K bibs and bag storage
- from 6:15 a.m. to 6:45 a.m. departure EXTREME 43K shuttle bus from P.za Duomo (Asiago) and arrival in Vezzena (Tn) from 7:00 to 7:15 a.m.
- 8:00 a.m. START StrafeXpedition EXTREME 43K from P.sso Vezzena (Tn) with finish-line in P.zza Duomo (Asiago)
- from 12:00 start Pasta Party
- 3:00 p.m. EXTREME 43K awards ceremony
- from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. bib collection and new registrations 25K-12K P.za Duomo, Asiago
Sunday, July 7, 2024
- from 7:00 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. collection of last 25K-12K bibs and bag deposit in P.za Duomo – Asiago (Vi)
- 9:00 a.m. START StrafeXpedition 25K-12K
- 11:00 a.m. – start of Pasta Party
- 1:00 p.m. – 25K-12K awards ceremony
1st 2nd 3rd Overall Men 1st 2nd 3rd Overall Women
1st 2nd 3rd over 50 men 1st 2nd 3rd over 50 women
1st 2nd 3rd over 60 men 1st 2nd 3rd over 60 women
The prizes cannot be combined, the athletes will be rewarded with technical material and/or typical local products.
- € 45,00 from 01/01/24 to 31/05/24
- € 55,00 from 01/06/24 to 05/07/2024
- € 30,00 from 01/01/24 to 31/05/24
- € 38,00 from 01/06/24 to 06/07/2024
- € 20,00 from 01/01/24 to 31/05/24
- € 30,00 from 01/06/24 to 06/07/2024
Maximum number of total participants: 700 The organization reserves the right to close registrations early if the maximum number of participants is reached.
The price includes
- Race bib with race chip
- Bag storage in the start/finish area
- Race pack and gadgets
- Medical Assistance
- refreshments on the route + final refreshment
- showers-changing rooms at the gymnasium of the State Education Institute – Via Cesare Battisti
- Pasta Party
- on-line from the event website
or in affiliated shops:
- iRun in Vicenza
- Pure Sport in Zanè
- EmmeRunning in Bassano del Grappa
For GROUP registrations info
Bank transfer: KLYOLAB Srl Iban: reason IT50X0872812100000000050330: "StrafeX 2024 (company name)"
To validate the registration, it is necessary to be in possession, by the day of the race, of the sports medical certificate for competitive activity ATHLETICS.
Art. 1 – Organization The amateur sports association "Sportiva7Comuni", affiliated with A.S.I., in collaboration with the Alpine sections of the Asiago Plateau, organizes the 10^ edition of the StrafeXpedition, a race in nature that will take place on Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 July 2024.
Art. 2 – Acceptance of the Regulations
The StrafeXpedition will take place in accordance with these regulations, and any changes and notices that will be published on the official website and on the strafexpedition Facebook page.
Participation in the StrafeXpedition implies the acceptance of these regulations in all its parts and without reservation.
Competitors are also required to comply with the highway code, in particular in the sections where the route crosses the ordinary road network, which will not be closed to vehicular traffic.
By registering, each competitor undertakes to comply with these regulations and releases the organizers from any civil or criminal liability for any accident or accident, for damage to persons or property derived from him or caused by himself, which may occur during the event.
Art. 3 – Evidence Running on foot in a natural environment, which runs through paths, mule tracks and cart tracks of the Asiago Plateau. The route takes place on paths at an altitude between 1000 m and 2300 m. Three races will be run on the same track:
– EXTREME 43K route, with 2223D+, departure from Passo Vezzena (Tn) h. 8.00 a.m. on Saturday 6 July 2024, with arrival in Piazza del Duomo in Asiago.
– CLASSIC route 25K 1112D+, departure and arrival from P.za of the Cathedral of Asiago (Vi) h. 9.00 a.m. on Sunday 7 July 2024.
– SHORT 12K 445D+ route, departure and arrival from P.za of the Cathedral of Asiago (Vi) h. 9.00 a.m. on Sunday 7 July 2024.
Art. 4 – Participation The race is open to all people, men and women, who have reached the age of 18 in the year of the race, in possession of a sports medical certificate of fitness for competitive athletics (Ministerial Decree 18.02.1982 tab. B) valid on the date of the race.
There are no limitations to the acceptance of competitors in relation to their technical abilities, however since the route includes numerous passages at high altitude and the conditions can be very difficult (wind, cold, rain or snow), careful training, a good hiking experience and a real capacity for personal autonomy are essential. Before proceeding with the registration for the StrafeXpedition it is therefore strongly recommended to have already participated in other trail races in an alpine environment.
Art. 5 – Semi-self-sufficiency The race is in semi-self-sufficiency in water and food. Refreshment points will be provided with food and drinking water. Each runner must make sure that at the start of each refreshment point, he has the minimum amount of water required as mandatory equipment and the sufficient food reserve that will be necessary to get to the next refreshment point. Personal assistance along the route is prohibited. Personal assistance is allowed only in the special spaces reserved by the organization near the refreshment points. It is forbidden to be accompanied on the route by another person who is not regularly registered.
Art. 6 – How to register Registrations will be closed when a total of 700 participants are reached, between 43K 25K and 12K, registrations can be made online through SPORT DOLOMITI or in affiliated shops, in the event that the registered competitor does not provide the sports medical certificate, the bib cannot be delivered and the competitor will not be able to take part in the race, without the right to any refund of the registration fee.
The registration fee includes:
– Bib with race chip – Race pack and technical gadget – Medical assistance – Refreshments on the route + final refreshment – Showers-changing rooms at the gym of the State Education Institute – Via Cesare Battisti – Pasta Party
Art. 8 – Reimbursement of registration fees In case of renunciation of participation, the bib number will be transferred to another competitor or the registration for the next edition will be transferred no later than 01/06/2024
Art. 9 – Obligatory equipment
By registering, each runner signs the commitment to carry all the mandatory equipment listed below throughout the race, under penalty of disqualification. The obligatory equipment can be checked at the collection of the bib, at the start or in surprise positions along the route and at the finish.
43K and 25K: windbreaker suitable for withstanding bad weather conditions in the mountains, long-sleeved shirt, thermal survival blanket, water bottle or other container with a minimum of 500cc. of water, mobile phone with the organization's emergency number , whistle.
12K: long-sleeved shirt or sleeves, mobile phone with the organization's emergency number stored.
Strongly recommended material for all distances
– trail running shoes,
– map of the route published on the race website,
– warm clothing essential in case of cold weather forecast – adhesive elastic band suitable for making a bandage or strapping.
Art. 10 – Bibs The bib number cannot be delivered without a copy of the medical certificate.
The bib must be worn on the chest or belly and must always be visible in its entirety throughout the race. It must therefore be placed on top of all clothing and under no circumstances fixed elsewhere.
Art. 11 – Safety and medical assistance A distress call post is set up at the refreshment points. These seats are connected by radio or telephone with the race direction. Ambulances, Red Cross, Mountain Rescue and doctors will be present in the area.
The first aid stations are intended to provide assistance to all persons in danger with the organization's own means or through affiliated organizations. The official doctors are authorized to suspend competitors judged unfit to continue the race. Rescuers are authorized to evacuate runners judged to be in danger by all means at their convenience.
In case of necessity, for reasons that are in the interest of the rescued person, solely and exclusively at the discretion of the organization, the official rescue will be called, which will take over the direction of the operations and will put in place all the appropriate means, including the helicopter. Any expenses arising from the use of these exceptional means will be borne by the rescued person in accordance with the regulations in force.
A runner who appeals to a doctor or rescuer submits to his authority and undertakes to respect his decisions.
Art. 12 – Checkpoint and refuelling stations Competitors are detected at all checkpoints or refreshment points. Only runners with a clearly visible bib number have access to the refreshment points.
On the website, the map of the route will be published, which will identify the refreshment points and rescue points. "Flying" checkpoints will be placed in other locations outside the first aid and refreshment posts. Their location will not be communicated by the organization.
art. 13 – Maximum authorized time and time barriers The maximum time of the EXTREME is set at 10h, the 25K provides a maximum time of 5h, the 12K does not provide for a maximum time.
The time gates are calculated to allow participants to reach the finish line within the maximum time imposed, while still making any rest stops. In order to be allowed to continue the race, competitors must leave the checkpoint before the set time limit.
Otherwise they will be disqualified, and the bib withdrawn. The competitor who wishes to continue without a bib, out of the race, will do so assuming all responsibility for the consequences that may derive from him.
In case of bad weather conditions and/or for safety reasons, the organization reserves the right to suspend the current race, delay the start, change the route, modify the time barriers or cancel the race, without any notice.
Art. 14 – Abandonment and re-entry In case of abandonment of the race along the route, the competitor is obliged to communicate his/her abandonment by being registered as withdrawn at the radio post of the nearest control point; the organization will take care of his return from the checkpoint itself to the base in Asiago (Vi); It is not guaranteed that those who have withdrawn will return outside the checkpoints except in the event of an accident. In the event of failure to communicate a withdrawal and the consequent start of the competitor's searches, any resulting expenses will be charged to the competitor himself.
Art. 15 – Penalties / Disqualifications Competitors not found in possession of even a single element of their mandatory material will be immediately disqualified, without any possibility of appeal on this sanction.
Art. 16 – Complaints Only written complaints are accepted within 30 minutes of the provisional results being posted, with a deposit of € 50.00.
Art. 17 – Jury The jury is composed of:
– the race director,
– the route director,
– the security officer,
– by the people of the organization who may be involved and summoned by the race director.
The jury is authorized to deliberate in a time compatible with the obligations of the race on all disputes or disqualifications that occur during the race. The decisions taken are without appeal.
Art. 18 – Changes to the route or time barriers – Cancellation of the race The organization reserves the right to change the route or the location of the rescue and refreshment points at any time, without prior notice. In case of adverse weather conditions or for other reasons beyond the control of the organization and such as to put the safety of the competitors at risk, the start may be postponed or cancelled, the route may be modified and shortened, the race may be stopped at any point of the route.
The aforementioned changes will be taken by the Jury, after hearing the opinion of those responsible for safety and the medical team.
The modification, suspension or cancellation of the race will not entitle the competitors to any refund of the registration fee.
Art. 19 – Map of the route The topographic map of the route, in its most up-to-date edition, will be available on the official website of the race. Competitors are invited to download and print it. It will contain practical information such as the closing times of the checkpoints and the description of the route. Any update of the route map will be published on the official website . A copy of the route map will be given with the bibs to the competitors.
Art. 20 – Insurance The organization takes out liability insurance for the entire period of the trial. Participation takes place under the entire responsibility of the competitors, who waive any recourse against the organizers in the event of damages and further consequences that may occur as a result of the race. At the time of registration, the runner must sign a waiver of liability.
Art. 21 – Rankings and prizes Only the competitors who reach the finish line in Asiago and who register at the finish line will be included in the ranking.
Art. 22 – Image rights Each competitor expressly renounces the use of image rights during the test as well as renounces any recourse against the organization, and its authorized partners, for the use made of his image.
Between May and June 1916, the Austro-Hungarian and Italian armies faced each other in the largest mountain battle ever fought, officially known as the Battle of the Highlands. The Italians called it Strafexpedition, from the German punitive expedition. At the end of the battle, casualties between the two armies were over 230,000 men.
For over three years the Vicenza highlands were the scene of bloody battles, and today the remains of that conflict are visible everywhere. Paths, stakeouts, garrisons and barracks are some of the testimonies left by the Great War on the Asiago Plateau 7 Municipalities.