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35th Giro del Medio Brenta with arrival in Gallio, Asiago Plateau - 4 July 2021

Sunday 4/7/2021 at 12:45

35 giro medio brenta

Great cycling is back on the roads of theAsiago Plateau.

Sunday, July 4, 2021 appointment with the 35th edition of the GIRO MEDIO DEL BRENTA,a traditional international summer cycling race Class 1.2 Elite-Under 23 Open (open to amateur and professional riders of the Continental and Professional teams), which for over 30 years has been passionate about cycling and sports lovers in general.


The program confirms the morning meeting at the "Ballan spa" of Abbazia Pisani (8.30-12.45 open only to the official follow-up and insiders for the current regulations), the transfer with official departure at 1pm from the center of Villa del Conte with a large three-lap local circuit (two large of 26 km and a small one of 17 km), including Santa Giustina in Colle, San Giorgio delle Pertiche, Arsego and then Marsango-Pieve di Curtarolo-Marsango-Campo San Martino-Paviola-San Giorgio in Bosco.

After the initial rounds, follow sp-ss 47 Valsugana to Cittadella (eight times finish line and passing along the Murata-historic center), Bassano del Grappa (Ponte Nuovo sul Fiume Brenta); starting the spectacular ascent of the Asiago Plateau along Marotte, Vallonara sp 71, Marostica, Crosara, quattro strade junction, Gomarolo-Fontanelle, Conco sp 72, Bocchetta Galgi, sasso turn-junction, Stoccareddo (GPM alla Chiesa), Campanella sp 76 and Gallio.

The riders will then face another lap of 25 km (Rotonda Turcio, Sasso, Stoccareddo, Campanella, junction-Sambugari and Gallio) for a total of 178 km and conclusion (depending on the average-hourly and weather at 4.30 pm/5 pm).

The Giro del Medio Brenta,valid for the International Grand Prix Città MurataTrophy, directed by Pierluigi Basso with the Veloce Club Tombolo (the other two GP Sport trials of Poggiana-Riese Pio X and Alta Padovana Tour), represents one of the flagshipsof Italian cycling, with an important Gold Register of slopes and winners, including giro d'Italia winners Gilberto Simoni and Damiano Cunego, Giorgio Furlan (Milan-SanRemo and tricolor), Dario Bottaro, Fausto Masnada (solitaire in the storm at Gallio 2016 and today protagonist at the Deceuninck-Quick Step team), the 2018 victory of the Russian national team with Alexander Evtushenko.and other well-known professionals, confirming also in this 35th edition 2021the major Italian and foreign teams in the category.

The sporting director, Flavio Miozzo, has taken care of relations with the Municipal Administration of Gallio; the coordination at altitude is taken care of by Valter Dal Pozzo di Canove di Roana, in valuable collaboration with the police forces, the municipalities concerned, various associations and groups, with administrative-institutional patronage, valuable support of the sponsors (including the historic departure venue Ballan spa and Rigoni of Asiago).


Tracciato gara 2021


Planimetria partenza ballan


Planimetria zona arrivo

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