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56 º Campiello literary prize in Asiago-27 July 2018

Friday 27/7/2018 at 17:30
Premio Campiello ad Asiago 2018

CAMPIELLO on TOUR-meet the finalists of the Campiello Prize, in collaboration with the library Giunti al Punto di Asiago

This year Asiago is preparing to host the finalists Campiello literary prize, Friday 27 July 2018.

At 17.30, on the main stage of Piazza Risorgimento II the 5 authors who won a place in the final will present their works, taking the public with their stories and their reflections.

A backdrop to the event, the beautiful Asiagosummer atmosphere lively and bubbly, for an afternoon of culture!

In case of bad weather the event will be held at Teatro Millepini


Ragazza con la Leica The girl with the Leica of Helena Janeczek – Guanda

The 1 St August 1937 a parade full of red flags crosses Paris. is the funeral procession for Gerda Taro, the first photographer fallen on a battlefield. That day would have been twenty-seven years. Robert Capa, in the front row, is destroyed: they were happy together, he had taught her to use the Leica and then were both parties to the war of Spain. In the crowd follow others who are linked to Gerda from long before it became the Head Girl: Ruth Cerf, Leipzig's friend, with whom he lived harder times in Paris after escaping from Germany; Willy Chardack, who settled for role of cavalier since the irresistible girlfriend has favorite Georg Kuritzkes, busy fighting in the international brigades. For all living will remain a larger presence and Gerda celebrated heroine anti-fascist: Gerda li has often disappointed and wounded, but his zest for life, his thirst for freedom are also capable of rekindling sparks decades later. One phone call intercontinental between Willy and Georg, who feel for anything but reason, to give the boot to a kaleidoscopic novel, built on the original sources, which Gerda is the heartbeat. is his heart rate to hold together a stream belting eras and faraway places, returning life to the snapshots of these guys in the 1930s struggling with the economic crisis, the rise of Nazism, the hostility toward refugees in France hit especially who was Jewish and left, like them. But for those who loved her, that youth is the time when, as long as Gerda is living, all still seemed possible.

Galassia dei dementi The Galaxy tossers of Ermanno Cavazzoni – the ship of Theseus

In a future uncertain boundaries, in a landscape that resembles the Wild West but that is the plain sometimes foggy, other sunny, between Emilia and Romagna, everything changed. We are around 6,000 when major disaster: an alien invasion destroyed the town leaving behind only ruins, an incredible Shockwave wreaked havoc every boss, did boil the oceans, the human population is decimated and is holing up in cubic houses similar to termite mounds. They survived but the industrial systems built underground that still produce droids, intelligent robots that provide everything and live together with humans. The technology is in power: governs, manages, organizes. Men are free from every occupation and dropped off at lax, obesity, at strange fads that grab them, living in desolate and deserted urban areas. Mrs Vitosi, among the survivors, spend time collecting clothes hangers, ancient objects and hobnobbing with two pet robots almost erotica, Dafne and Pareek. But when, bit by bit, news spreads that robots Immortals who had created and administered this new world withdrew, offended by the load of responsibilities and lack of gratitude to their due, chaos spreads and starts the real catastrophe. New, sudden fires swept through cities, domestic robots begin to commit crimes to get to brigandage and even Daphne and Piteco decide to run away, worried by growing dangers. For days the news report also the alarming announcement of a robot considered very dangerous, one Xenofon, that Daphne and Piteco will meet on their way. On that of Mr and Mrs Vitosi and other few human survivors looms instead another threat in the form of giant bugs. Will they survive in this new alien invasion? Between acrobatic mythological and funny and delirious vicissitudes quotes, Ermanno Cavazzoni there sucks in his ironic science fiction, unbridled and surreal, where the future looks suspicious and a little creepy, a place strangely familiar.

Mio padre la rivoluzione My father the revolution by David Ear – minimum fax

My father the revolution is a collection of short stories, portraits, biographies and impossible travel reportage around the history and myth of the October 1917 Russian Revolution, the protagonists (Lenin, Stalin and Trotsky) to minor characters but none the less fascinating. David Ear works about history with the tools of the literature, tells other versions and explores alternative has not happened: in this book Trotsky is still alive in 1956 and meditates on the Soviet invasion of Hungary and Chrušc ¡ Russian who repudiate Stalin. A few years later, the young Robert Zimmerman of Hibbing, Minnesota, goes into a library and discovers the texts of Trotsky, does not become Bob Dylan but made up other beautiful revolutionary songs as ' The End of Dreams. " Here, just like the real thing and beyond it, the poet Mohammed Habibur Rahman who "has the problem of fantasy" writes a report from Russia for the centenary of the birth of Lenin. In my father the revolution the "alternative history" is a key offer to present to unhinge the past, to come to grips with the political monsters and hopes dashed of the twentieth century, and is also a guide to imagine the possible futures. With a style very original, Davide Ear tells the dream and the nightmare of history, the adventures and passions, the fates opened men.

Le vite potenziali Potential lives of Francis Himself – Mondadori

At the heart of this novel there are three lives, three visions of the world, three different and complementary ways to survive to the present day. Their space is the Albecom, computer company that is located on the outskirts of Marghera; He founded, still very young, Alberto, "thirty-four years, renowned ability to assemble Ikea furniture, a passion for good food and the cult of clarity". Among the programmers working for him is Luciano, with which Alberto shares love of the internet since the days of high school. But unlike his friend, Luciano is at ease behind the scenes: demure and paralyzed by his lack of comeliness, takes refuge in the work and refreshment of stray cats in Marghera, only tortured, from time to time, by the desire to have someone to make happy. To complete the triangle there's George, the pre-sales at the company, procurer of new customers: "path to a thrill of electricity", held in the dashboard of the car, the art of war by Sun Tzu, who consults as an Oracle.
And so, while Luciano fastens with Maud, bartender from the diner in front of the Albecom, a friendship soon charged with new hopes and Giorgio receives a proposal under the table from an old colleague, the days of the three friends are entwined in a tangle of secrets and betrayals that unfolds between the Venetian province and cities of Middle Europe and that will force them to make choices that suffered and decisive.


Le assaggiatrici The assaggiatrici of Falter -Feltrinelli

How far it is permissible to go to survive? What trust, who, if the bite that feeds you might kill you if you're the one who decided to sacrifice yourself at the same time saving?

The first time you enter the room that will consume the next meal, Rose Sauer is hungry. "For years we were hungry and afraid," she says. With her there are other nine women of Gross-Partsch, a village near the Wolf's Lair, Hitler's headquarters hidden in the forest. is the fall of ' 43, pink has just arrived from Berlin to escape the bombardments and is host of in-laws while Gregor, her husband, fought on the Russian front. When the SS sort: "eat", in front of overflowing plate you hunger to get the better; soon after, however, prevails the fear: the assaggiatrici must remain an hour under observation so that the guards make sure that the food to be served to the Führer is not poisoned.
In the closed environment of the canteen, among young women are interwoven alliances, friendships and rivalries. For other foreign is difficult to get the Pink is the benevolence, yet are surprised to find her. Especially with Elfriede, the girl who shows more hostile, more charismatic. Then, in the spring of ' 44, in the barracks comes Lieutenant Ziegler and create an atmosphere of terror. While on all – as a kind of deity who never appears – looming the Führer, pink creates a bond between Ziegler and unheard of.

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