Dal 14/8/2013 al 18/8/2013
62 ^ feast of Cyclamen in Fontanelle di Conco, from 14 to August 18, 2013
The village of Fontanelle, just 5 kilometres from Conco, Asiago plateau, organizes this year the feast of the Cyclamen, which peaked at 62 Edition.
As usual this event will take place the second week of August, and more precisely from Wednesday 14 to Sunday August 18, 2013.
It is an event full of shows and live music, not to mention the food stand that stands for dishes like bigoli with duck and meat cooked on a spit as the bull and boar.
Wednesday August 14
18.30 Hours Opening food stand with spit-roast pork specialties
22.00 Hours Queen tribute BAND the MERQURY
Thursday, August 15
12.30 HoursOpening food stand Pranzo di ferragosto
14.00 Hours Popular games for kids
Hours 17.00Band "Attilio Muhammed" di Fontanelle
18.30 Hours Opening food stand with grilled meat specialities
Hours 21.00 Show MARCO Orchestra and the CLAN
Friday August 16
14.00 HoursTournament tresette
18.30 Hours Opening food stand co specialty Maialone spit news
21.30 HoursAfrican tour "Stargate sotto le stelle" YANO project-FUEGO-Live concert 2013
Saturday, August 17
14.00 HoursTable football tournament
14.30 Hours 10° Motogiro of Cyclamen
18.30 Hours Opening food stand with Bull skewered specialities
Hours 21.00 The Cover band Fahrenheit 451
22.30 Hours SKAJ concert with Marcus Furius Forieri
Sunday, August 18
12.30 Hours 5° raduno internazionale dei Crestani lunch on reservation
18.30 Hours Opening food stand with grilled meat specialities
Hours 21.00 KETTY show Orchestra and ORCHESTRA PIVA

Associazione Amici di Fontanelle
This Festival is organized by friends of Fontanelle in collaboration with the municipal administration and the Proloco.
All rights reserved.