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"A magical night at the Museum": nanna, tales, games and breakfast at the natural history Museum of Asiago-13 August 2018

Monday 13/8/2018 at 20:30

A night to go to the Museum with lullabies, fairytales, games and then ... everyone at breakfast together!

There is nothing more exciting than spending "a magical night at the Museum".

That's right! The Educational nature museum Patrizio Rigoni di Asiago organizes an exciting night out based on games, discoveries, stories, rhymes with breakfast!

The event is scheduled for Monday, 13 August 2018, from 20.30, and involve children in creative scientific Labs, quizzes, games, costumes and fairy tales to discover the secret life of bats and many other nocturnal creatures.

And when you wake up. .. super breakfast for everyone!

It will be an unforgettable night!


To carry: Pajama, towel, toothbrush, toothpaste, sleeping bag or sheets, pillow and everything you need to spend a night away from home.

Price: €15 per child, €10 for ACCOMPANYING ADULT
MAXIMUM 15 participants.

The booking is valid only upon payment of the entire fee.

The activity will be carried out within the natural history museum.

Children under 7 years must have an adult guardian to accompany them.

All rights reserved.

Information and registration contact the Museum Patrizio Rigoni pressing the buttons below.


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