Dal 13/6/2015 al 7/1/2016
World War
Photo exhibition aviation "Wings on the plateau", great war, Cesuna
Saturday 13 March 2015 at 20.30 on the occasion of the first world war centenary we are pleased to invite you to the opening of the exhibition of photography aviation "Wings on the plateau", at the Cinema Teatro "a. Palladio" by Cesuna, Asiago plateau.
The exhibition will remain open until the end of the year with the following schedule:
Saturday 13 June at 20.30 room "Andrea Palladio" of Cesuna di Roana (opposite the Church)- INAUGURATION
July and August
- Tuesday to Saturday: 15.00-19.00
- Sunday: 10.00-12.00/15.00 19.00
June and September: 15.00-19.00
From 26 December to 7 Gennaior 2016: 15.00-19.00
From 7 September to December 24 on request for groups.
The photographic exhibition collects many rare pictures, is created by Luigino Cabanero in collaboration with the staff of South facing Plateau 7 Comuni A.S.C. and embellished with static models, a model of the Alpine front in the area of Vicenza as well as projections of the airfield together with the availability of a program for simulated flight flying a biplane of the first world war.
Please also note that on the territory of Cesuna in the Asiago plateau, are real places of remembrance for the War as the British and Austrian-Italian front line cemeteries of Magnaboschi and Joshua, in addition to the reconstruction of the Scottish team in the battle of 1918 on nearby Mount Zovetto.
".. surely is a wonderful sport, but I see no usefulness for Army"-cited French General
This statement, decidedly not prophetic, was attributed to a French General, who was observing some airmen engaged in an air show a few years before the outbreak of the great war.
The reality was quite different, and after the first few weeks of fighting, theAirplane revealed his effectiveness on the battlefield confirming its position as one of the most important weapons in order to achieve the final victory. Also in Italy the aircraft showed all its importance both from a technical and human, with pilot and observer weds armed knights.
The view, through a collection of awesome vintage images, offers a comprehensive overview of the activities of aircraft during World War I the area of Alto Vicentino. Particular attention is given to the fundamental role of photographic reconnaissance, with exclusive photographs of theAsiago plateau captured by Allied planes. The sharp images, allow visitors to understand the territory's devastation caused by war but also, thanks to a series of outstanding as rare photographs of the high performed during the last months of the war, appreciate the urban structure of some of the major cities of foothills.
The exhibition includes original documents, magazines and publications, an exhibition of static models of all aircraft used by the warring parties during the great war and a model of the Alpine front, highlighting the available airfields in the area of Vicenza.
At the premises of the exhibition, you can also attend proiezioni of photographs and movies of flight, for the younger ones, experience the thrill of simulated flight with a biplane of World War I.
ENTRANCE to the exhibition: € 3.00

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