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"ANDAR PER HERBS MUSING"-Excursion on the Asiago plateau with Giulia Rigoni and Lisa Calhoun-14 July 2018

Saturday 14/7/2018 at 09:00
Guided excursions
Andar per erbe con lisa cantele e giulia rigoni

Walk with sensory experiences and meditative, exploring weeds of Highland

Saturday 14 July 2018, during the third day of the festival cimbro Hoga Zait, the experienced herbalist Lisa Calhoun and Giulia Rigoni ofAsiago Chandra Yoga"will take you on a guided meditation to discover medicinal plants, herbs, cosmetics and as on the Asiago plateau.

It will be easy with sensory experiences and meditative, relaxing and regenerating dip in the nature of the plateau, during which you will get to know the plants and herbs typical of the area, deepening knowledge about their properties and discovering new uses.

The meeting is set for the hours 9.00 at the new Palace in Canove.

Comfortable attire and appropriate recommended water and snack.
Transfer with own means in the locality of Bisele.
Hiking time: 4 hours


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