Dal 2/10/2012 al 27/11/2012
Autumn meetings-press Cesuna di Roana cineforum, every Tuesday in October and November
Autumn is dedicated to cinema at the Palladium Theatre in Cesuna.
At the behest of theDepartment of tourism and culture and in concert with theGallium Filmfestival cultural association, in fact, starting from Tuesday October 2, 2012 9 movies will be screened next they face different issues.
The meetings will conclude at the end of November.
The Guard will be inaugurating the review: a "comedy" Anglo-Saxon "sour", as he called the Mymovies.
The screenings will begin at 21.00 and will be asked to each spectator a symbolic contribution to the expenses of the organization.
The film Club, like the previous ones, is also aimed to launch the modern Palladium cinema equipped with the most advanced technology.
For more information the reference is the chalet Tresché Conca Marina (tel. ).
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