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Bagno di foresta: vivere la natura attraverso i 5 sensi e l'abbraccio degli alberi

Saturday 12 August 2023 in Cesuna di Roana from 10.00 to 12.00 will be held the event "Forest bath: living nature through the 5 senses and the embrace of trees". The practice is led by Giulia Rigoni, RYS 500 hours certified yoga teacher.

Walking in Nature with the awareness of doing so is an experience of solicitation of the five senses. The forest will be your home!

You will educate yourself to listen to the sounds of the forest, to breathe its scents, to observe the light and the shades of colors, creating a sensitivity that helps to establish an authentic contact with the plants and with the earth. 

When you are in balance with nature , the nervous system is rebalanced, the immune system is strengthened, the heart rate is lowered and the ability to concentrate increases significantly. 

It will be an experience that will lead you to have true contact with Nature and your senses will be amplified through the proposed experiences: gentle yoga, walking meditation, hugging trees, conscious breathing practices and sound bath with Tibetan bells. 

To take with you: blanket, water and wear comfortable clothing and shoes suitable for walking in the woods.

Meeting at Casa Zeleghe by 09.45.

Reservations required by 18.00 the previous day.

For more information or reservations you can contact the Pro Loco of Cesuna by clicking the button below:

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