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"Carnival in theatre with ... Notre Dame de Paris ", Teatro Eliseo di Asiago

Tuesday 9/2/2016 at 21:00
Notre dame de Paris Rassegna Millepini

"Carnival in theatre with ... Notre Dame de Paris ", with The binding Node, at the Teatro Eliseo Theatre of Asiago, February 9, 2016, at 21

The appointment with the Carnival at Teatro Eliseo di Asiago is set for Tuesday, February 9, with the show "Notre Dame of Paris" ofThe Theatre Association Node.

The play will begin at 21 and will stage one of the most beloved classics of French literature, or Notre Dame de Paris by Victor Hugo.

It will be an opportunity for both adults and children to have fun in the evening of Shrove Tuesday!

At the end of the show crostoli and Pancakes for everyone!!

the show

Hugo believed that starting from a basis of romantic substantially theatrical product should have a great spectacle, a compelling plot, but also a clever blend of comedy and tragedy, grotesque and elegiac. These cornerstones of his theatre return to the theatrical transposition of Notre Dame, where the storia of Esmeralda and Quasimodo the hunchback mixes with grotesque and Comic characters of corte dei miracoli and the violent and tragic love of Frollo is compensated by buffi and clumsy courtship of Gringoire. All expertly set in medieval Paris.


Full price € 85.00
Reduced: € 70.00

The reduction is up to over 65, cineforum card holders-2015 and 2016
at least 10 people

Reduced price € 60.00 enrolled at the University for adults and seniors and university students

REDUCED € 40.00 for STUDENTS enrolled at secondary schools

Adults € 10.00
Reduced: € 8.00

For the 02.01.2016 and 17.03.2016 prices will be as follows:

Adults € 15.00
Reduced: € 13.00

The reduction on the ticket price is up to students, University members and seniors and Adults
card holders cineforum, over 65



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