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Chary 2015 Festival-N and Maila in Canove, Shock of love-Plateau

Saturday 29/8/2015 at 21:00
Cucu festival 2015 nando e malia

Chary 2015 Festival-N and Maila in Canove, Shock of love-August 29, 2015 Asiago plateau

Saturday 29 August 2015 at 21.00 at the Piazzale Roma Street in Canove-Asiago plateau- the spettaolo of cuCu Festival Edition titled "Shock of love", a theatre show and "Nando and Maila".

The musical acrobatics of a couple in dis-agree. A concert-comedy show with aerial acrobatics,
giocolerie music and stunts.


Nando's and Maila made a bet: to become musicians of the impossible becoming self-supporting structure, where they hung the Trapeze and aerial tissues, in an unpredictable concert. The Poles become tree drums, double bass, cello, harp and bells that together with instruments such as trumpet, Euphonium, accordion, violin and electric guitar, creating a magical atmosphere by defining an unusual sound world. Nando's and Maila interpret a pair of artists: eclectic musician he and actress-Acrobat you eternally at odds on stage as in life.

Unexpectedly, the two actors if they add another, a Viewer unaware, the object of desire for Maila which will you chase up the odd man out with an acrobatic quote from Romeo and Juliet or a fun interpretation of Adam and Eve.

Nando will try to regain his good showing off virtuoso violin Ciarda Vincenzo Monti or waving the electric guitar like a real Rocker.

A concert-Italian comedy where you switch from rock to pop music of the 70 's/80 's up to tap opera arias and classical music, who will lead the audience in a crescendo of emotions, until every dissonance will resolve in pleasant harmony with a graceful and poetic "happy ending" on the Trapeze for the greatest joy of all. Show suitable for all age groups.

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