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Cinema sotto le stelle

Saturday 19 August 2023, in the evocative setting of Il Cason delle Meraviglie, at 9.00 pm, we invite you to participate in the event "Cinema under the stars", an evening of outdoor cinema. This event is organized by the Pro Loco of Treschè Conca in collaboration with the Gallio Film Festival.

The Cason delle Meraviglie is a splendid educational farm located in an enchanting place, an authentic corner of paradise in Treschè Conca, part of the Municipality of Roana on the Asiago plateau. This small and charming hut, which dates back to the early '900, is surrounded by three ancient cherry trees that wrap it in a magical embrace.

Immerse yourself in this unique setting and enjoy an evening of cinema under the starry sky. The evocative atmosphere and the enchanting location of Il Cason delle Meraviglie will make this cinematic experience even more special.

For more information you can contact the Pro Loco of Treschè Conca by clicking the green button below:

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