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commedia teatrale Enego

Friday 21 July 2023, at 20:30, in Enego at the Palazzo delle Cultura e del Turismo, fun awaits you with the theatrical comedy "Le sorelle Alzheimer" by Camillo Viticci.

"It is the story of what happens within the four walls of the modest home of three sisters who, thanks to their very advanced age, well highlight the status of initial senile dementia.

People, with ill-concealed irony and with a good touch of mockery, call them "The Three Alzheimer's Sisters". Serafino has always been in love with Antonia, one of the three, no less than them. Funny the entrance of the parish priest for the annual blessing of their house. A little less the usual attempt at fraud against the three ladies.

But fortunately an unlikely caregiver will come for them..."

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