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COOKS in the WOODS-kids activities at Wonderland-3 January 2019 Cason

Thursday 3/1/2019 at 10:00
Teen and Children

Children activities al Cason of wonders on the Asiago plateau

Thursday, 3 December 2019, a fun outdoor activities all children waiting for Cason of the wonders of in Treschè Basin, on theAsiago plateau!

During the morning, children will learn what they eat the birds and other animals of the forest, build feeders and will prepare many food reserves for our animal friends, to help them survive the winter.

The activity will last about 2 and a half hours: will begin at 10.00 hours and will end at 12.30.

The task is upon reservation.
For information contact Cason of wonders by clicking on the buttons below.

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