Saturday 23/8/2014 at 21:00

Dancing in the night of Asiago: ' the dark night of Asiago with Samuel Peron and Samanta Togni from dancing with the stars
ATTENTION read below changes to program
Saturday, August 23, Asiago returns to the dark night, "dancing in the night of Asiago". With the exceptional participation of Samuel Peron, Samanta Togni and Tango Flamenco Company Neapolis.
The DARK NIGHT, the big event that with its suggestive atmospheres and the quality of the nightly became an appointment of excellence of thesummer asiaghese, is this year dedicated to dance.
Dance is joy and Saturday 23 August, the historical centre of Asiago will be a big dance floor in the open air. In an engaging and lively, animated streets and squares will be from dance schools with local Tango, belly dance, Hip Hop, Zumba, contemporary and Classical Dance, Ballroom and Latin Americanas well as the concert of Almost Blue with the best international successes from 60 's to today.
At lights out and lighting up the candles in the Central plazas, they staged Samuel Peron and Samanta Togni, the dancers of "dancing with the stars", the successful Saturday night television variety of Rai Uno, hosted by Milly Carlucci and Paolo Belli, accompanied by Tango Flamenco Company Neapolis.
Don't miss the popular events with the INAF Astrophysical Observatory Astronomers of theUniversity of Padua, to emphasize the link between Asiago and this prestigious scientific institution: aperitivo scientifico, astronomy workshop for children and evening "chasing a Comet: the Rosetta mission".
The program (updated on 23 August according to weather conditions):
Saturday, August 23, 2014: "the dark night, dancing in the night of Asiago"
18.00 Prisons Museum hours:
Aperitif with the astronomer
hours 21.00 Cinema Jiminy Cricket:
Astronomy evening entitled: "chasing a Comet: the Rosetta mission"
hours 21.00 Teatro Millepini:
Astronomy workshop for children
22.00 hours Millepini Theatre:
Dance with SAMUEL PERON and SAMANTA TOGNI and Tango Flamenco Neapolis
(Free admission with a seat reservation at I.A.T.)
(Event POSTPONED to SATURDAY 30 AUGUST TEMPERATURE and time permitting):
Weather permitting in the evening of Saturday, August 30, the town of Asiago is a large dance floor in the open air. In anengaging and lively atmosphere, streets and squares will be animated by local dance schools.
• Belly dancing Alpine Square
• Hip Hop Via Monte Valbella
• Itinerant Zumba from Piazzetta g. b. Pertile
• Classical ballet and contemporary dance Stage central Piazza Risorgimento II (till 22.00)
• Ballroom dancing with the Duo Vellar Via Jacopo Scajaro
• American Latin dance Course IV Novembre (height Chiesa di San Rocco)
• Electro Dance Pop Concert – night of electronic music at the Prisons Museum
For the occasion, the entrance fee to view Pop Art Italy will be reduced.

For more information download the flyer of the event by clicking on the dark night
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