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Sunday 10 August at 2014 Treschè Laver celebrated the Day of the Alpine; the celebrations will begin at 10.30 a.m. with Mass and will end the evening with a concert of Unidiversi.
• 10.30 A.m. Holy Mass Celebration at the Church of Treschè Basin Raises flag at the monument to the fallen Parade towards via Funds
• Hours 12.30 lunch of Cod (only on reservation) Inauguration of the alpino monument at the former schools elementari
• 16.30 Hrs Concert choirAmici miei of Montegalda " at the Church (Attention, do not perform Chorus Brigade Cadore)
• Hours 19.00Onti Sandwiches and potato chips at the PalaSilvio and music with Unidiversi
The Guest House of the Seven Municipalities recommended by Asiago.it
Locales recommended by Asiago.it to eat on the Altopiano of Asiago 7 Communes