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"Emotions of the Cimbrian and Prealpine landscape"-art exhibition with works of Virgil Antoniazzi in in Treschè Basin

Dal 8/8/2017 al 13/8/2017
Mostra di Virgilio Antoniazzi a Treschè Conca

From 8 to 13 August 2017, at the parish Center in Treschè basin, Asiago plateau

The "Cimbrian and landscape-Alpine Emotions" will be the protagonists of the art exhibition that will be held at the parish Center of Roana in Treschè Basin , from8 to 13 August 2017.

To them on film on canvas is the artist Virgilio Abdulhadi: through his oils and watercolors, the artist tells the show of landscapes of theAsiago plateau and alpine foothills, in the different seasons of the year in a flurry of emotions and feelings of peace and tranquility.

The exhibition is open from 15.30 to 18.30.

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