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FABIO CANTELLI ANIBALDI presents his book "SANPA" in Asiago - July 18, 2021

Sunday 18/7/2021 at 17:30
Sanpa incontro con l'autore Asiago 2021

"Aperitif with the author" in Asiago, cultural meetings organized by the Giunti al Punto Library

On Sunday, July 18, 2021, the review of literary meetings "Aperitivo con l'autore" starts again, organized by the Giunti al Punto di Asiago bookstore.

The first meeting will be held in Piazza Duomo in Asiago, at 5.30 pm,and will have as a guest Fabio Cantelli Anibaldi who will present to the public present his book "Sanpa - Loving and Cruel Mother".


MANDATORY RESERVATION to be made at the Tourist Information desk of the Municipality of Asiago.

The reservation allows you to accessthe reserved area at the Piazzale del Duomo,in Asiago and, only in case of bad weather, atthe first 170 reservations, the entrance to the Millepini Tourist Palace.

It is recommended to maintain an interpersonal distance of at least one meter.

For more information and reservations click on contact the Giunti al Punto library by pressing the buttons below.


In Sanpa, a loving and cruel mother (published in 1996 as "La quiete sotto la pelle") the community founded by Vincenzo Muccioli is a central theme, but in these pages there is much more. There is the mystery of adolescence and the desperate search for an Absolute imagined as elsewhere because it is not recognized in the "here and now". There is the pursuit of ecstasy on the boundary between life and death, where academic knowledge and moral judgment stammer and trudge. Finally, there is the greatness of a man, Muccioli, degenerated into titanism and megalomania with the uncontrolled expansion of the community.

All punctuated by an unprecedented writing in the literature on drug addiction, capableof welding testimony and reflection, individual despair and discomfort of civilization.

A source of inspiration for the authors of Sanpa. Lights and darkness of San Patrignano,a documentary aired on Netflix that is causing so much attention and hype, this book is, however, first and foremost a literary work, a burning and suffering memoir that transcends the opportunity that generated it and reveals the talent of a writer.


FABIO CANTELLI ANIBALDI was born in Gorizia in 1962. Between 1992 and 1995 he was head of the press office in San Patrignano. He joined the Abele Group, of which he is now vice-president, he directed the monthly Narcomafie and, since 2005, he has been curateing the communication of Don Luigi Ciotti. In 2012, with Carlo Sini, he published La verità è un'avventura – conversazioni sulla filosofia e la vita (Edizioni Gruppo Abele).

SanPa, mother amorous and cruel is the re-issue of the memoir La quiete sotto la pelle (Frassinelli, 1996).

All rights reserved.


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