Dal 21/6/2014 al 22/6/2014
Sagra di San Luigi Gonzaga, Treschè Conca di Roana, 21-22 June 2014
Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 June 2014, Treschè Conca di Roana, on theAsiago plateau, will take place the traditional Sagra di San Luigi Gonzaga.
The Festival, organized by the volunteers of the Pro Loco di Conca Treschè, always attracts the entire population residing in a small village, but also many people from all communes of plateau and from various countries of the Vicentina.
There will be games and entertainment for children, the lottery with many beautiful Awards, various events aimed at families and a five-a-side tournament with cash prizes that compete every year sees good formations.
The Festival provides for its entire duration for a rich food stand with tastings of local products.
• 14.00 Hours Beginning 5-a-side football tournament (matches will continue till 23.00)
Mass in honour of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga
Entertainment with DJSET and from 17.00 Happy Spritz
The food Stand run by the afternoon with soft drinks, beer, sandwiches onties and chips
• From hours 18.30 dinner with Plateau plate and grilled specialties
• Hours 21.30 musical evening with the Nik V Band
• 9.00 Hours Beginning matches
• Opening Hours 12.00 food Stand with grilled specialities. The stand will continue to work in the afternoon with soft drinks, beer, sandwiches and patatatine onti
• Hours 15.00 children's Entertainment with the typical xughi de Saint Louis
Entertainment with DJSET from 17.00 Happy Spritz
• Hours 18.30 dinner dish, grilled specialties
• 19.15 Hours End tournament and awards ceremony
• 20.30 Hours Beginning musical evening in the company of the Roversi
During both days will open charitable fishing and game room
Kiosk Cup The team that WINS will have consumed more beer cards ... to win a DINNER for 10 PEOPLE!
Tent Area
Accommodation in concessionary fare in Treschè Valley hotel for football teams
Prize Hangover
Alpine House stocked with GOOD SCHNAPPS
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