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From Pedescala to Bostel-Sunday, May 12, 2019

Sunday 12/5/2019 at 10:00
Guided excursions

Guided hike with AsiagoGuide

This route develops along the ancient connecting road between the Val D'astico and the plateau of the seven municipalities. Generations and generations of people have traveled this path over the centuries for trade, but especially for the transport of timber. During this excursion that crosses the lush forests rich in biodiversity and inhabited where time seems to have stopped, the guide will take you on a journey in history and traditions of the South-plateau.

The proposed itinerary is characterised by the presence of mountain trails, dirt roads and some stretch on a paved road. There are no particularly exposed traits. The slope is about 500 m.


Where are you located?

10.00 a.m. Piazza I Army, 21-36040 Pedescala VI

Do you move with your own car?

We walk away from the meeting place

How long is it?

The activity starts at 10.00 hours and ends at about 16.00

Is it suitable for everyone?

We assign a "4" difficulty on a scale of 1 (easy) to 5 (challenging)

What should I bring with me?

Mountain boots, layered clothing, waterproof jacket, water for the duration of the excursion (at least half a litre), possibly a small snack like dried fruit. PACKED LUNCHES.


€10, free for children under 15 years and for teachers (exhibiting appropriate model)

Reservation Required!

By contacting us via the button below


Asiago Guide is a professional service of the plateau of 7 municipalities, available for families, schools, groups and individuals who want to discover this territory.

Immerse yourself in nature and appreciate its wonders. Discover the history of the places we will meet, with the calm and pleasantness of walking: This is what we offer you! A sustainable experience through which to awaken the senses and regenerate the mind...

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All rights reserved.

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