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Goodness and wellness market, traditional foods and crafts, gallium the August

Dal 3/8/2013 al 4/8/2013
Fairs and Street Markets

Mercato itinerante "Bontà e Benessere" con prodotti alimentari tipici e biologici, di artigianato manuale; a Gallio il 3-4 agosto  Itinerant market "goodness and well-being" with local and organic food, crafts and manual; in the 3-4 Gallium August

Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 August P.tta Gallium gardens held the Mercatino Goodness and well-being. It is a display of products and wine are typical and organic herbal, health, crafts and manual.

Theorganic farming is a type of agriculture that considers the entire agricultural ecosystem, exploits the natural fertility of the soil which favored with limited intervention, promotes biodiversity of the environment in which it operates and to limit or exclude the use of synthetic productsand genetically modified organisms (GMOS).

Thetraditional herbal medicine was the prerogative of the housewives. They cultivated spices and medicinal herbs in their gardens or gathered in the wild. The used fresh or preserved seccandole; or extraction of substances in them infuse in wine or grappa.

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