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Historical Naturalistic excursion to Knotto with guides Altar plateau, Sat14sep

Saturday 14/9/2013 at 09:00
Guided excursions

Escursione Guidata all'Altar KnottoHistorical-Naturalistic excursion to Knotto with guides Altar plateau, Saturday September 14, 2013

The Plateau Guides offerhistorical and naturalistic excursions to theKnotto Altar, Asiago plateau, Saturday 14 September 2013.

The meeting is set to 09:00 at the Piazzale dello Stadio del ghiaccio di Asiago.

Duration: half-day excursion. FIX: path easy.

Rotzo, the oldest town of the plateau, it is located in what is called "Riviera del Sole". It is from here that this splendid itinerary that will lead us to the discovery of a fantastic world where dwarves and goblins lived in harmony with nature.

We will take a walk through Mixed Woods of deciduous trees known for their rich varity flora and faunal wealth equally varied, spectacular Ridge traits will cross from which you can see theimmense Valley shaped by glaciers in the Quaternary period and now called Val D'astico.

Locandina Guide Altopiano settembre 2013 Cost of the tour:

Adults: euro 10

Children (less than 10 years): € 5

Children less than 5 years, disabled and handicapped persons: free

Dress code:

Mountain or trekking shoes, long pants, K-way, hat and Sweatshirt

Recommended Accessories:

Sunglasses, trekking poles

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