Thursday 15/8/2013 at 21:15
Italian Summer Tour 2013: ice on the Piazza Grande, international figure skating show "Stars on Ice" Ice Show company; in Asiago, Thursday of August 2013
Thursday, August 15, 2013 at 21.15 hours to palazzo del ghiaccio Hodegart Pala di Asiago, as now happens every year in August, there will be the spectacle of skating on ice Italian Summer 2013 Tour of Ice Entertainmentcompany.
The company decided to take a furtheraccelerated this inevitable appointment through an annualevolution both in terms of content and concept.
The first consequence arising from this new direction is the production of a show of artistic quality is increasingly high, more prepared.This year Ice Show managed to bring home a world-class collaboration such as that of the great choreographer and dancer Giuseppe Arena.
And along with the Maestro, Arena Ice Show chose as the leitmotif of the show the theme de "La Piazza": a combination of situations that occur, interpreted by artists of the cast, in a continuous sequence of emotions, fun, laughter, tears, cstage lanterns; by workers working in a shipyard, the lovers on a park bench, a group of tourists, a homeless drunk who bother passers-by, etc. etc..
Entrance fee; presale tickets c/o Ufficio IAT di Asiago (also bookable paying via bank transfer by calling the )
• NumberedSeats: single ticket € 30,00
• Free Places: € 25,00
• In Reduced vacancies: € 15,00 (children under 12 years)
• Free of charge in free places: children up to 6 years.
The Master Arena has teamed up with the world's greatest skaters, some of the choreography that made the history of figure skating.
He worked with the compagnie of entertainment on the ice, the most important of the world, choreographed adult show which made success all over the world.
His curriculum in the world ofart and dance is unique and is so rich that refer, for a broader view, to his personal website: .
A company of unique artists in Europe. Composed of more than5 items1, all professional skaters who have been part of the Italian national team, annually selecting the best 10 to join the summer tour. Their Repertory 2 entire productions and more than 20 numbers of groups , ranging from rock 'n' roll to blues, from hip hop to musicals, from melodic towork. Composed of skaters who originate from all the specialty of skating artistry, has created a reality that in Italy is becoming a phenomenon , and over the last 2 seasons the number of seasonal events has tripled, going from 12 to 38 shows per season, denoting a great success.
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