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l'Altopiano di Asiago 7 Comuni


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In-depth historical evening "Gallium before, during and after the great war"

Thursday 4/8/2016 at 20:45
World War
Soldati durante la Grande Guerra in Altopiano

Historical pictures and feature article on Gallium and World War I with prof. Danillo Finco

Thursday August 4, 2016 at the Council Chamber of Gallium, is scheduled for an interesting evening of historical study entitled "Gallium before, during and after the great war".

Speaker of the evening will be prof. Danillo Finco, which from 20.45 will entertain the audience with images and stories out of Gallium in the time of war.

TheAsiago plateau, was the scene of bloody battles fought on the Italian Front, for this reason an evening so rich in culture and history is to grasp the opportunity to find out how (and in general all the plateau) has been able to get back on their feet and back to shine after a period so difficult.

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