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Cultural meeting with Don Marco Pozza, authoritative and inspiring voice - Cesuna di Roana, 4 January 2024

Spirituality and reflection: an evening with Don Marco Pozza as part of "Cultura in Scena" in Cesuna

Thursday 4/1/2024 at 20:45
Incontro culturale con Don Marco Pozza a Cesuna di Roana 4 gennaio 2024
Don Marco Pozza - photo by Stefania Casellato

The Municipality of Roana, in collaboration with the Pro Loco Cesuna Association, is pleased to invite the community and visitors of the Asiago 7 Comuni Plateau to participate in an exclusive cultural evening at the Cinema Teatro Palladio in Cesuna. The event is the second appointment of the " Cultura in Scena" initiative, designed to enrich the cultural fabric of the Plateau, creating a space for sharing and growth through the exploration of significant and current issues.

The protagonist of the meeting on Thursday, January 4, 2024, at 8:45 p.m., will be Don Marco Pozza, a leading figure in the cultural and spiritual scene. Fr. Marco Pozza will lead an evening of deep reflection, touching on current issues, spirituality and humanity. His charismatic presence and inspirational approach will leave audiences with new perspectives and thoughts.

The event will be moderated by Stefania Longhini, a journalist with proven experience, who will be able to guide the dialogue with the author and the public, creating an engaging atmosphere. His experience in the field of communication and cultural journalism will help to make the evening even richer and more stimulating.

Admission to the event is free, but reservations are required at the IAT Roana in Treschè Conca, subject to availability.

We therefore recommend securing a place in advance so as not to miss out on the extraordinary opportunity to participate in a unique cultural event, where wisdom, spirituality and inspiration will give rise to a passionate and profound cultural dialogue.


Discover also the other events in Cesuna di Roana!

For further information and reservations, please contact the IAT Office in Roana by clicking on the green button below:

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