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Incontro letterario con Carla Spessato e presentazione del suo libro ad Asiago - 28 dicembre 2022


Wednesday, December 28 , 2022, Carla Spessato will present her book in Asiago : "Franco Battiato - Like a spell".

The literary meeting will be held at the Council Chamber of the Municipality of Asiago starting at 17:00.

In the book you will find the stories of all the songs of Franco Battiato and the story of all the albums and his works, as well as a unique investigation of its kind on the dozens of interventions as author, producer, interpreter in music, theater, cinema, literature. In the appendix the unpublished story of the first album of 1969, never arrived in stores. Exclusive testimonies of musicians and record companies, the day-by-day diary of the recordings, listening and telling the songs of that era never left the archives.


Carla Spessato lives and works in Vicenza. Struck by listening to "Pollution" at the age of eleven, since then she has collected and preserved everything about Battiato. She was lucky enough to meet him several times and to receive his energy of "being special". With the advent of the Net he met many other fans with the same passion, with whom, with generosity and enthusiasm, he shared information and materials. 

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