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Incontro letterario con Roberto Zucchi ad Asiago - 29 dicembre 2022

Thursday, December 29 , 2022, in Asiago, an interesting literary meeting awaits you with Roberto Zucchi who will present his latest book "Mago Bianco. Life and secrets of Pietro d'Abano, doctor and heretic" (Ed. Il Prato).

The appointment is at 17:00 at the Hall of Masks of the Mountain Union of Asiago.

The meeting will be moderated by Sergio Frigo.


Pietro d'Abano (1250-1315) is a genius shrouded in mystery. One of those pioneers of science, when it was still called magic, who propitiated the exit from the Middle Ages and the advent of the Renaissance.

He was a philosopher, astronomer and astrologer, but above all a doctor, and for this reason long persecuted by the Inquisition, which three times tried to condemn him to the stake as a heretic and necromancer.

His works are known to scholars, but little is known about his life. Indeed, of his lives. Because, at a time when just traveling was a gamble, after adolescence between Abano and Padua he fled to Constantinople, where he learned languages and medical arts, then lived ten years in the new capital of Europe, Paris, as a teacher at the Sorbonne, and finally returned to Padua, where he started his famous medical school, before literally disappearing from the face of the earth.

But death is only the latest of Pietro d'Abano's enigmas that these pages intend to reveal.

Roberto Zucchi

Roberto Zucchi, journalist, for about thirty years worked at the newspaper "Il Gazzettino" in Venice, where he was responsible for the Culture and Foreign sectors and then central editor-in-chief. In 2012 he published the novel Siderea Crimina (Editoriale Programma), historical noir starring Galileo Galilei, and in 2019, with the publisher Il Prato, the essay Potere H – I disabili che hanno fatto la Storia, a collection of about forty portraits of famous people in spite of their handicaps. Married, he has two very affectionate dogs.

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