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The Grotta del Lago and the upper area -Sunday 1 October 2023 from 9.30 am

Guided nature hike in the mountains between forgotten paths with Asiago Guide

Sunday 1/10/2023 at 09:30
Guided excursions
Grotta del lago 2023 asiago guide

Sunday 1 October 2023 from 9.30 am to 3.30 pm

Guided nature hike in the mountains among forgotten paths.

GOAL: Grotta del Lago - Campi Luzzi - Asiago plateau and the Seven Municipalities (VI)


Step by step we reach the Campi Luzzi, an area famous for the record temperatures recorded during the winter and for the curious marmots that peep out from their burrows along the path.

After passing an enchanted forest of larch and fir trees we enter the mugheta. 

Here we will go in search of a karst cavity where there is water (partly perpetually frozen) of a bright blue color! In this place, a particular microclimate, allows the growth of lush plants and the famous Icelandic lichen (Cetraria islandica) curious food of the ancient Cimbrians and as well as of the inhabitants of Scandinavia. 


During the packed lunch the guide will entertain you with stories and anecdotes about mountain animals and their problems due to Climate Change visible here:  the ice of the  Grotta del Lago is retreating, take advantage of this opportunity to see such a suggestive place while it still exists!


Reservations are required. 


DIFFICULTY: we assign a difficulty 3 on a scale from 1 (very easy) to 5 (challenging)

The route develops between mountain paths and dirt roads. The difference in height uphill is less than 300 m, there are no particularly exposed sections. 


TO BRING WITH YOU: mountain boots, layered clothing suitable for the mountain climate, waterproof jacket, water for the duration of the excursion (at least 1.5 liters), a small snack such as dried fruit, sunscreen, sunglasses, hat, PACKED LUNCH, recommended a blanket or towel for the picnic moment.


COST: 20€ for the guided excursion. 5€ for children under 15 years.


MEETING: 9.30 am in front of the Ski School Melette - Località Melette, 36032 Gallio VI -

From there it is necessary to travel by car with your own vehicle on a paved and dirt road to Piazzale Lozze, from which you will leave on foot for the excursion. 


INFO AND RESERVATIONS: (WhatsApp, calls), ,


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